by Amy Grace

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UPDATE | Autumn 2017

I have finally come to some sort of comfort level with the pace of writing and seeing a project into it's fullness.  The beginning of the Summer seemed to lag with work hours stolen, silent uncertainty and exploratory scene making.  

And then, in an instant, in less than two months, a pilot episode has been written and is still being refined as the days pass.  I walk along the water and ponder the characters and their place in the series and find a new path they have chosen in my mind.  "What a surprise!"  I inhale and exhale in a yoga pose and find that single solitary plot point that has ragged on me stick out like a sore thumb.  "Clarity! "

I find that now the hurdle is not only making the adjustments to the pilot (which I actually find quite fun and exciting.  Disovering story as it evolves itself) but also learning how to lay out an episodic series, story boarding, pitch writing, 'show bible' creating.

This is the hurdle.  Learning and honing the pitch craft.  

Thankfully I am not alone.  Creative Partnering with Kirstin Howell has not only boosted the work but also given a good kick at any doubts I may feel as I move forward.  

What I hope to find in this next leg of the journey is that there is joy and excitement to be found in this part of it as well.