by Amy Grace

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Lifestyle | Fifth Birthday

and it seemed that all at once, she was five.

Zoë has flourished over the last year.
Becoming more of herself separate from us.

I see myself in her eyes, the demonstrative affection and the willingness to drop everything and be silly for silly sake.

I see him in her thought out nature, fully engrossed ways and ability to tell people ‘how it is’ and ‘how it all works’.

More importantly, I see her.

Moved and affected by everything and everyone around her. She has taken on learning how to skate, read, write, have friendships and ultimately become more and more of herself every day.

To say we are proud of her is an understatement.
We are engrossed, overcome, blessed, challenged and inspired by her.

We delight in her.

In five more years she will be ten.
Hard to imagine the changes, the becoming, the metamorphosis that will happen between now and then and from then to beyond.

What we know for sure,

Zoë will always be a bright light as she is. All of the parts of who she is is what makes her unique. We couldn’t ask for anything else.

Our only prayer

is that she always be free in her spirit to be fully ‘Zoë’, however that is, however that grows and changes. May her spirit remain free from the expectations and standards of this world and may she step into whatever her calling may be despite what may try to come against her in her life.