Wellness Wednesday: Declutter
Environmental Wellness
I have forever been an organizer and cleaner. It could be that family trait from my moms side. That trait that has a few of us itching to straighten things up and put things back in their places. Or it is my need for an environment that doesn't cause me stress.
Disorganization and too many things have always caused stress to build within me.
Let's be clear.
Decluttering doesn't have to be a full on 'minimalist' turn around. Although if you feel called to live minimally I wouldn't blame you.
When we declutter our environments from the unnecessary items we are giving our whole beings mind, body and soul an atmosphere worth existing in.
Healthy environments help us to function in our day to day with joy and discovery.
Often, decluttering can go hand in hand with being successful in other areas of our lives.
In the end, things are just things. It's the daily moments of living we should be living for. What doesn't serve you doesn't deserve you.
Do you need to declutter certain areas of your life? Is there a part in your living space that is keeping you from doing the things you want to do?