LIFESTYLE | Make Moves for Peace


It’s not just COVID-19.

It’s everything on top of it.

It’s the deaths in the family, the tragedies in shootings, the loss of life when helicopters crash and the missing of those we cannot see.

Nova Scotia, my dear province, lost 22 people in our countries largest mass shooting.

In less than 24 hours, 22 people lost their life. An unthinkable thing. A tragic thing. A no explanation but despair thing. And we are here with our tear-stained cheeks wondering how and where do we go from here? What more will happen? How will we move from this?

It got me thinking as my heart was heavy, burdened with the death, the loss, the deep well of emotion when life is unsteady and unreal.

What do we do?

Make moves for peace.


First, we listen, and we feel.

Feel the agony, the weight and the unsettledness.

Then, as the day moves, we move too. We make moves for peace.

Quiet, steady, one at a time, moves for peace.

For me, this meant:

Calling out toxic behaviour that surrounded our home.
Filling my ears with music that uplifts.
Watching media that welcomes peace such as Mr.Rodgers Neighbourhood
Almost daily chats with those who create order in my spirit.
Quiet activities, like walks, journaling, yoga & reading.
Reading the Psalms.

What are your moves for peace?