by Amy Grace

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WORK | Spring 2021

Light is different in the spring.

It washes over us like an antiseptic.




I have been working on projects and reflecting along the way during the winter months.

this Spring there is a a tangible force I can’t deny.

It comes in the concept something like this:

Give the light space to breathe.

We are so busy trying to package up our thoughts, arguments, perspectives, projects and insights that we so often miss that beautiful moment that happens when we have allowed space.

What if, in our conversations, our work, our existing in the hard and the easy that we allow it all to be washed in sunlight?
We step back and breathe and see what happens in the silence of it all?

Whimsy? Abstract? A bit “What-the-heck-does-that-even-mean?”

It means something like,

Shedding our critique, holding our rebutle, caring for the why behind a project more than the “show” of it, standing still when questions are formed…

It means that we might see things and feel things differently in the light of it all, rather than only see it shaped in the corners of our minds.

If this was easy, there would be no writing about it.


As I work and play this Spring I will be working to make space for the light to breathe.