UPDATE - Trophy at Nocturne
An alley way of stories of change to discover....
I was thrilled to be connected with Sarah Conn who is the co-creator and producer along with co-creator Allison O'Conner of 'Trophy'.
A beautiful installation pop up project that collaborates with others in the community to share stories of change.
Being a writer/performer, I jumped at the chance to experience this unique installation as a 'storyteller'. I asked a few close friends which of my life changing moments would translate well in a four minute telling and then I joined ranks with Sarah and Allison and the others for Nocturne Halifax 2017.
Sharing my story of change over and over again to different people in a small intimate setting, I found that I gained a deeper awareness of how we adjust our stories along with their intentions to match our audience. This is a simple concept for many writers and performers but so often forgotten the fray of our making and formulating of the work.
I found I also realized how blessed I was to have had that specific experience that I so often take for granted. I was changed in that moment again and again, simply by the retelling. Which is why storytellers do what they do, isn't it? We want to relive that experience for ourselves, for others and for those that deeply need to hear it.
Trophy gave me, as a storyteller, a deeper connection with my audience and I am so thankful for Sarah and Allison who have been touring this piece. It truly is a moving experience for both teller and listener.
The tent where I shared my story of a 'Cuban Taxi driver who changed my life with three words: 'I am Happy'.