WORK | The Team Matters
The first official working date with Kirstin Howell (the most quotable woman I know.)
Who you let around you will have a tremendous impact on how you view yourself and your world.
When moments of uncertainty occur I like to say I have a tribe of empowering, impactful and inspiring women in my back pocket (a.k.a. my iPhone) that I can call on to come around me when I need that support and that push.
Know your team.
Personal and Professional.
The Personal Team
The personal team are going to be your safe place, the people who know you intimately and know the difference between you needing to wallow and you needing to be smacked up the side of the head (figuratively speaking). They share your values and they know how to speak to your view on life.
The Professional Team
Are those whom you know want you to succeed and keep at your work. They are the people who know your work and your values and respect you deeply. These are also people who should be challenging you routinely in normal causal conversation and giving you inspiration and ideas. These are the people you take notes from and also listen to because you know they have your back.
Both of these Teams work together to make a great cohesive support group and keep you going and keep you striving and thriving.