WORK | Spring 2019 Work Reflection
Spring was jam packed with personal endeavours.
Birthday parties, our first home renovation and many regular/additional ‘spring cleaning’ items on the list. I was able to give that heavy and long list of personal items a lot of my attention, while also leaving my creative self longing for more luxurious time at my desk.
This spring I have been learning the art of ‘curating time’.
I would say I had already learned this, since anyone who has a baby knows that the time between the ages of 0-3 years of age are years that one looses their hold on ‘having control of their own time’. That being said, I am on a new journey of what it means to take on more, handle bigger projects both personally and professionally and enter into them acknowledging the potential of overwhelm while also creating boundaries for my own mind and spirit to maintain and curate peace in all that I do.
I have learned
when tackling big projects I need to stick to the matter at hand, stop myself and even at times, my partners in crime from wondering too far ahead so as not to feel the weight of what has yet to be done.
I have learned that unplugging for 24 hours once a week is exactly what I need to monitor my anxiety as well as give my every fast paced mind a forced break.
I have learned that I do extremely well when my expectations for myself and from others are clear and I have prepared a bit in advance to meet them.
Overall, this Spring has been full personally, and professionally I have gained a lot of strategies to handle the projects and work that lies ahead.
What my work space looked like for almost 3.5 weeks & still has a lot of kitchen items chilling with me as I post this.