You can do anything. That is a true statement. Limits are not enforcable against the human spirit and heart. You can take on the world. You can move others with your passion, dedication and work.
And then,
You can sell out.
I am not talking about that kind of 'I said I would do this, but now I am not.'
I am pointing my gaze at the:
"I can do it all, maintain it all and be all" mentality.
It's in all of us today. That 'wake up, roll out of bed, overcommitted, yeah, I do it all' type living.
I am calling BS. on that. Yeah, yeah, harsh words. Get over it.
It's the type of selling out your life that when I walk down the street and see a 'SOLD' sign on your property and you say "It's still for sale, come on in and sit for awhile...heck, why don't you purchase a piece of this land?" And I am thinking "Seriously? You are trying to sell me an already sold house?"
Thats what we are....
We are walking sold properties to the things we have already committed to and somehow we want to do more.
The worst part is, you can tell someone "I am in over my head, I have to focus on other things right now." But everyone is so sold out themselves they couldn't see a sold out person even if they were worn out, drained in front of them. "We are all over our heads." Comes the response and they wring us out for more. But we are dry and we suffer.
There is this collection of 'things' that we like to boast of.
I do this.
I bought this.
I go here.
I go there.
I attended this.
I support that.
We are so many kinds of SOLD OUT, that we have no idea that:
We do this rushed.
We bought this why even?
We go there late.
We go here stressed.
We attend this flippantly.
We support this selfishly.
It's not that we want to be like this, but thats what happens to us when we are sold out. We can't see that our motives, our energy, our dedication is off. We can't see that our hearts are slightly bent towards the 'performance' and just a titch away from 'whole hearted'. It's hard to notice when you have a tendency to walk slightly to the left, but then all of a sudden if someone or yourself doesn't correct it?
You'll be in the ditch.
In the ditch with a sign on your back that says "I am all kinds of Sold Out and I don't know how it happened."
We don't want to be Sold Out for any reason. We want to buy in, and be there. We want to know our limits and know how much we can handle giving out before we crash. For you it may be less, for another more.
There needs to be a respect level for those who need to stop selling out. A need to respect the desire to be balanced in this 'phone on twenty-four-hours' world.
It's time for us to set our boundaries for healthy balanced living and stop rushing as if "we" are gods. Enjoy those quiet nights in. Permit ourselves to say no to 'another event'. We can't run on the steam of 'good intentions', because 'good intentions' so often turn into 'look at everything I am doing.' And that's just toxic. It's air that will crush growth and stop the flow of anything good.
If we're 'all kinds of sold out' then it's time we take those signs in our front yards seriously.
We arn't gods, so we shouldn't act like we are.
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Babymoon in December 2014
Twenty-seven weeks pregnant, glass of milk in hand, savouring these moments that have accumulated over the past three or so months.
They were right when they said the second trimester brings a new sense of energy, glow, and renewed sense of body awareness. I am not sure if I have ever felt as sexy as I do now. Sure I can't fit into that dress I bought from New York. The one that hugged my frame and showed that I was indeed all woman. But this is something magical! This growing body of mine has taken on a life that has words to share, and adventures up her sleeve. There is a delicate but very notable change in my curves and I never knew one could stretch in this way. Stretch in all ways physical and all ways spiritual.
Pregnancy is a spiritual thing I have come to realize.
It is an ode to creation and all things that speak to something more. I have been digging for the more, and it has been refreshing and renewing.
She bumps and turns. She hiccups and kicks. She has felt the rumble of her cats purr above her while they sleep and she has learned that her mama is a reader and a singer.
My heart began to burn during these moments and I realized how much it truly does burn. A mama will burn for all things to procure a journey for a life. It's realizing the values and morals. The hopes and dreams. The way in which we crave to raise her. It brings a new sense of reason to the day to day. And we aren't scared.
We've been through fire and we came out refined. We'd do it again.
So all this talk about parenthood taking us out:
"You'll never have your body back."
"You'll never pee normal again."
"Save up on your sleep now, you won't get it back for a long time."
"Say goodbye to a social life."
I call those negative, destructive words and claims over our lives out. They have no place over us, and no claim on our hearts.
Because people trash real life as if it's a shame. They walk around wounded that life has seasons and responsibility. They miss the real life moments because they are too busy thinking they got tricked by a transition..
So those people who like to sarcastically add 'helpful' quips to a soon-to-be-mamas heart...they don't have it right. They have it all messed up and contaminated. Life is meant to be lived not everyday the same, but everyday anew. I won't trick myself into thinking that my physical, my mental, my emotional can maintain the same. I'll be renewing it again and again, because I want to enjoy this life and all it's seasons no matter the circumstance. No matter the convienence or inconvenience.
This has been magical.
These months of growth have been filled with glimmer and sprinkled with worry.
All the way it is supposed to be.
Because she is life, and life is full of all the moments.
Not just one.
A less is more kind of morning....
Let's face it: We are afraid.
We are afraid of losing. It's a humanity thing. We gather and gather and gather until we have a nice pile of our 'ness' around us and then we sit next to it and twiddle our thumbs and think about what's missing.
Did you just catch that?
Did you just see how endless that is? It is an endless search for whatever it is that we 'don't' have. Because I guess the pile of crap we're sitting on isn't enough, so we have to go out and gather some more.
More friends, more retweets, more music, more money, more clothes more, more, more, more.
And then what?
There is no answer to this because you don't, you won't, you can't and you couldn't.
So freaking stop it with the hauls! The endless amount of hauls we do. Hauling more friends, more things and more memories.
What about 'who you are is enough'! Why not haul that for a change?
Haul yourself!
Get your life!
And that means some hard core purging to get to the haul of you.
Go inside your own protected castle of you and starting clearing out all those boxes that have hidden you. You gotta haul yourself this time because ain't nobody gonna go and get you out of your mass protected pile of 'whatever-it-is-you-have'.
What this is coming down to, isn't that I am all 'Oh we gotta do some New Years January Ass kicking cleaning' ...cause we can do that. We can tidy our rooms, our friends, our social life up so it looks like it shines. Anyone can do that within a day.
It comes down to a real deep solid life purge.
Clear out:
- Your living space
- Your closet
- Your media
- Your social life
- Your relationships
- Your mental state
- Your emotional state
- Your spiritual state
- Your physical state
What are you left with?
Just you.
Thats when you can focus on hauling yourself.
And I mean some badass hauling. Go and get that food that will make your body happy and strong. Go and get those clothes that look like you and not just a version of some commercial you just saw. Go and get that music that makes you shiver and quake. Go and cultivate those people who bring out the real raw you.
NO MORE & NO LESS than what you need.
Because Less is More, and a closet full of clothes is not going to define you.
You define yourself by your own ability to see yourself without it all.
It's legitimately official now. Less is More.
So go and get it!
The calendar is starting new this first full week and there isn't a soul on this earth who can tell you what you need to put in it. People sledge hammer their way through this life and through our weeks. Go here, do that, make time for this and don't forget I need you to...
The calendar is full of boxes. January has 31 boxes and only twenty-four boxes left.
Our calling goes beyond the box of a day, beyond the needs of others and beyond the labels that people slap on our days as if it's theirs.
Your days are not anyone else's but yours and the One who created your days.
It's a limited life that we have lived with our boxes and our square instagrams telling our moments within the confines of a simple shape. Life is beyond the shapes, beyond the upcoming and the unknowing.
This is the time to make your calendar a different shape. Metaphorically I mean, because the squares aren't really the problem. The problem is us. How we let them define us and create us into walking squares of limitations.
This is the week we let our squares lose their shape and we become who we were meant to be. What we want for 2015 that is beyond our boxes and our limited world view.
I'll start:
Amy Grace - 2015
- Create a life that welcomes baby without the sacrifice of personal identity
- Purchase new home that fits our desires and needs
- See growth & maturity in work
These sound all vague and pretty right? So I'll redefine it because what I actually mean is this:
- Being 'Amy' before 'Mama' will keep your feet on the ground. You know this, so live it. Shake off others expectations of 'mama-hood' because you are your own version of 'mama'.
- Don't settle for a house just because you need one. Yes, you need one, and that nature, ocean spray home is out there. So go and get it, and don't think you can't.
- Friggen, just blast work on loud this Winter and don't stop there. You glow when you work so you just keep it glowing, because becoming a mama is going to be the best thing for your word pocket and life.
Thats what it looks like. To burst through the box. It means to get down and honest with the depth of you and then take the limitations off and put the gloves on.
Stop tidying up your days with 'appropriate wording' and just 'get real'.
Tear down your life so God can build you back up. Yeah, I said God... because no matter who you think made your beating heart, you've got one and that heart needs to be tended this year. And hearts aren't stored in a box. They are stored inside your unique shape.
So break down your limitations of what's possible and start 2015 with limitations on what's impossible.
I'm starting a new video series on Mondays. Check my YouTube Channel weekly for updates.
This is a channel to help kickstart your week, to motivate you, to give you the energy you need to keep going. Our goal for these videos is to bring you into a new sense of what Mondays could be, what they are, and what they can be. I love Fridays and i love my weekends, but why can't we love our Mondays as well? This is the week that you don't limit yourself! Happy Monday!