Twenty-Seven | Limitless
Limitless | Giving Key 

Limitless | Giving Key 

In the past year, I have had to find myself.  Not because I felt I had changed, or I felt any different but because I felt lost in what the world saw me as. 

Becoming pregnant was the day I lost Amy.  

Amy became, the pregnant one, the new mom, the 'fill-in-the-blank' whatever preconceived notion you have about what it means to have your first child.  I did my best to ignore the endless streams of assumptions, judgements, and ignorance but ultimately my sense of self paid a price.  I became pregnant, had a baby and now...this is how 'you' define me.

Mother to your grandchild, mother to the cute baby in the stroller, mother to your niece...

Mama I am.  And so much more.

Amy never stopped being Amy.  In fact, Amy is still writing words at her desk, intoxicated by music and studiously honing her craft of word, song and dance.  

I told this to my dearest friend and her response.

"As you should, your options are limitless."  

And that has resonated with me.  

27 isn't about proving anything to you that I am more than just a mama.  Because that will happen naturally.  You will see that as I go and no matter how devalued I have felt I am thriving in this deep lovely limitless life.



Jot Notes | May '16

1. Milestone Cards, for documenting the moments. 

2.  Zoës first birthday party... Happy tears to see her growth.

3.  Receiving a Waffle Maker for Mothers Day.

4.  Celebrating 27 with girls at White Point Beach resort.

5.  ALL of Greys Anatomy Season 12, but especially those last episodes.

6. These fun play groceries.

7. Korean Facial masks mailed straight from Jasmine Alexander 

8. Colouring books... cause it's not just a's a way of life. 

9. Bullet Journaling experimenting.

10. Reruns of Ladies of London... because everyone needs a reality fluffy TV show to zone out with. 

The Creatives | Spring Meet Up
The Creatives | Spring 2016

The Creatives | Spring 2016

When spirits collide it is fulfilling not just for those spirits but for those who witness the collision.  This Spring we witnessed a truth telling.  We got real as we coloured and communed.

The wine was passed, the food was shared and in that sharing we found that we went into a natural circle share and got to know each other again.  We are getting to know ourselves again after transition and transition of life has messed with our plans and our dreams.

Many of us women in that circle were ready to 'be raw' again. 

I am blessed by those that filter in and out of "The Creatives"  

May this be a group that welcomes those who are in the journey at any place and becomes a catalyst for spirits to collide and spring forth. 

The Creatives | Spring 2016

The Creatives | Spring 2016

3 Signs You Might Be Dealing with Doubt, and Not Even Know It! | Sharlene Loveless

Recently I found myself at a “stalemate” in my wealth creation calling (also known as business).  Having a newborn might do that to ya, but realistically I knew it was more than that.  A few pity parties and sleepless nights later, I had to have a good hard look at what was really going on. True to my own teaching (ramblings), I had to look at what was REALLY going on and not just the symptoms of what was going on. I had to examine if I had any sub conscience beliefs or thought patterns that were contributing to this stand still.  Sure enough, I realized that my fatigue had made me susceptible to the spirit of doubt.  And more alarmingly, I hadn’t even noticed that this was going on for several months. Here are 3 signs to look for, and what to do about them:

1) Being asked to be relieved from your assignment (dream) prematurely.    

Looking for a “way out” of your current project /dream/vision can signal that you doubt God can finish what He starts.  You might have a lot going on in circumstances to justify your wanting to jump ship. Be careful not to change course just because the going gets rough. This is a strategy of the enemy using doubt to send you on a tailspin (wasting time) and keep you from your destiny.  Don’t fall for it!  The grass is not greener on the other side! Ask God to give you endurance and patience. He is faithful to answer every time. 


2) “I’ll believe it when I see it” type of inner dialogue.

Getting a little burnt out on the “breakthrough prophecies”? Every time you hear the “don’t give up your breakthrough is near” message do you cringe a little on the inside but smile on the outside?  Been there! This can be a very sneaky one because you know you’re SUPPOSED to stay strong and believe but the truth is deep down you are wrestling with skeptical thoughts. The key here is to be nice to yourself, you’re not a bad Christian for being a human!.  Just don’t dwell on this thinking, and take special attention to be hyper aware of guarding your thought life.  Don’t let these types of thoughts become justified either by your circumstances. Notice them as the spirit of doubt, combat the thought by dreaming of your desired outcome, and before you know it you will be walking in the gift of Faith again. 


3) Your creativity feels strained.

If you are finding it difficult to be your creative self, this is a sign of what I call “late-stage” doubt.  Remember, all of these problems are trying to do one thing, keep you away from your creator.  It’s easy to be creative when you walk closely with your creator, and the exception can prove the rule.  So if you’re finding it difficult to write, sing, play, or dream, take another look at your thought life and see if there is any self doubt that has crept in. Ask God to show you and then ask for an increase in creativity. That’ll teach that nasty spirit of doubt who not to mess with!!


Go forth in your health and wealth creation goals and leave the doubt behind!






Amy LaiComment
I am With Sophie Grégoire Trudeau
i am with.byamygrace

As a woman who is taking care of a one-year-old daughter while her husband is away for a month at sea, scrolling through social media and news feeds are not a high priority.  In fact I am rarely scrolling these days, but it has been hard to miss the highly critical headliners on Sophie Grégoire Trudeaus latest public comment.  

"I have three children at home and a husband who is prime minister.  I need help.  I need a team to help me serve people."

I consider myself to be highly productive with my time. I am a dedicated lover to my husband, quirky creative mama to my daughter, honest-seeker writer in my projects, entrepeneur in my Creative Mentoring buisness, along with the founder of a group called The Creatives that meets seasonally with events during the year.  And I struggle.  I struggle to identify the help I truly need.

Many people who love and care about me and my family are quick to offer help in ways that make the most sense to them.  It is a blessing to know we are cared for, yet very often, the specific help that is being offered is not what is truly needed for me or my family.  I struggle with the words to explain the true help I need because for some reason, if women are not gracious enough, thankful enough and pleasant enough, we will get slammed. 

Here is what the media and politics do with women.





Sophie Grégoire Trudeau openly and honestly expresses her overwhelm with her situation and we tear her to shreds.  "How dare she demand help from the taxpayers when others are suffering.  How dare she express being overwhelmed when she is so privledged?"

I say, 




I am blowing the whistle on this kind of shaming, backstabbing and idocricy towards women.  Let's not forget that women still do not get paid the same amount as men.  When we criticize a woman who gives us her open and honest answer for her situation, we are teaching our daughters that if you ask for help in a way that you believe you need, you will be slammed for it.  

I am raising a daughter in Canada, and my deepest desire for her is to know that she can be as honest and as open as she needs to be.  To shame a woman for openly expressing her overwhelm is to say that unless we as women, are quietly smiling in the background, playing nice, a fashionable shade of lipstick upon our lips, and folded hands at our sides, that we don't matter.  

Sophie Grégoire Trudeau matters.

Her needs and desires for her life and her family matter.  Her request for more support, in the way that she believes will help her and her family matters.  

So if you are looking for me, I am with Sophie Grégoire Trudeau.

Amy Lai Comments
Empowerment | Mothers Day

Truthfully, I have mixed feelings with this day we call 'Mothers Day'.  Maybe it's that it often lands on my birthday.  Maybe it's that I don't relate to the buzz words we use to describe mothers.  Maybe it's that I am the first of my friends to become a 'mama'.  Maybe it's that I sense the emptiness in my platitudes and would rather wait for a moment that truly expresses my thoughts in a real and authentic way.

No matter what the reason, Mothers Day continues to happen and now with this squirmy one-year-old, I want to get a better hold on this day and find how 'her' and 'I' can find the proper meaning for it.

I stumbled upon an old text message from my mother.  It was a few days before I gave birth to my daughter. 

"Hope your day went well.  I want to reassure you that I also went after my due date and you were a perfect beautiful little girl and I never worried at all about when you would come.  So don't let it consume your thoughts.  I am not worried about you, because I believe this is what you are doing.  I do think you need to know that we are in your corner, covering you with prayer as we are called to do for our daughter."  

These are empowering words.  These are words that symbolize a shift for me.  These are the words I want my daughter to hear from me.  This is the way I want to forge ahead in 'motherhood' this year and the years to come.  I would rather be that 'Mama' who stands in the gap for my daughter not because she needs it, but because I know she is capable.  I want her to know that I am her biggest advocate, her biggest warrior standing for her in the darkest night.  When others shout their worry I will be shouting to build up strength and courage.  

My mother and I are very different people but she left a trail of empowerment in her wake that I often don't give enough credit to.  She empowered my Nanny against all odds to live an independent life after my Grampys death until she passed away many years later.  She empowered me to eat when I would have rather starved.  She has empowered many children who have filtered through her home to play, to laugh and to sing.  She has empowered me to speak my mind and stand for what I believe is right and true.  

So this is my deepest desire.

To now empower my daughter  to have a voice of her own, to be independent, to play, to laugh, to sing, to dance, to explore, to discover and to have courage when others do not.  

Amy LaiComment
First Birthday | A Summary

She turned One.  

One year of learning this vibrant intensely expressive little girl.  One year of being made new as a family.  One year of firsts under her wings.  One year of discovery and adventures.  One year of building relationships with herself, others and the world around her.  One year made better because her life has shot into our orbit and made us spin for days.  

One is not the loneliest number.  One is a notch in a timeline, a success, a chapter and a memory to keep.  One is special, precious and utterable kissable.

One is ready to toddle and waddle.  One is ready to clap and curl up in laps.  One is ready to explore and eat more.  One is ready to play loud and stand proud.

One is wee and still needing to be guarded.  One is impressionable and learning how to handle.  One is sensitive and figuring out boundaries.  One is a bear cub ready to play yet quick to run away.  One is a little bunny hopping and skipping yet fast to jitters.  One is a puppy dog all wild and spry yet ready to snuggle in tender arms.  

One is here, just for this year.  



Jot Notes | April '16

1. Pitch Perfect Two for the laughs I needed.

2. Gilmore Girls Gossip ... Immensely loving all the hype that goes with this new revival.

3.  Zoli Sippy Cup is a new toddlers dream...and this mothers.  

4. Swing life.

5. How this White Wine meets Spring.

6. Letting Lava Cake from The Middle Spoon melt in my mouth...

7. Attempting balance in all things... Some say it's impossible, I think it's necessary for me.

8. Touch Think Learn books for the wee learner

9. This Episode of Coffee & Crumbs which made my new mama heart soar. 

10. Les Miserables Finale which I will have finished singing by the time this post is up...Do You Hear the People Sing?

The Creatives | An Invitation

The Creatives is a gathering started in 2013 during a time I needed to be surrounded by other like-minded women.

What is a Creative?

Anyone who finds themselves in the process of making.  

Anyone who strives to take their inspirations and ideas into a new and unique form.  Be it on paper, in a song, or paired with wine...possibilities are endless.

What Happens at The Creatives Meet Ups?

You will find women who make a living with their creativity alongside women who love to colour, alongside women who are searching for a better avenue for their self expression.  

You will find a table that starts out small with its offerings of food, wine and conversation and grows in delicious treats, tinkling glasses and conversation that inspires as the night wears on.  

You will find that our atmosphere is kept safe, inviting and welcoming to anyone.

I am Hesitant

We know that there is a process of coming to The Creatives.  

Hesitations worth being debunked:

  1. I will be judged for being too much/too little of a creative person.
  2. I will have to share with others before I am ready.
  3. I will have to have it all together.
  4. I will have to know what I am talking about.
  5. I will have to come and stay the whole night.

The above is from our fellow friend 'Fear' speaking.

Why Should I Come?

The Creatives is here to create a flowing atmosphere for any woman who wants to partake in an evening of delicious food, intelligent and intriguing conversation while colouring, making or simply listening alongside each other.  

The Creatives is here to be a welcoming community and take in the journey that each of us are individually in at any given time,

And maybe, just maybe, you will leave as inspired as I am.

Spotlight | Breanne Bandur

Breanne and I originally met through our mutual friend, Jasmine Alexander.  So many times I was told, 'you'll love her!'  When the Creative Meet Ups started I didn't realize what an impact this woman would have on me.  Her inspiration, depth and creativity has fuelled not just me, but many others.  If I was to describe her, I would say: "She's the one with the charcoal in her hands and the twinkle in her eyes..."

1) How would you describe yourself?

I am a person.  A woman.  An artist.  I am a maker, a doer, a thinker, a feeler.

2) Currently, what is your medium of choice?

My medium of choice is charcoal. I’m in the process of experimenting with mixed media; Oil and acrylic paint, pastels, coloured charcoals, coloured pencils, graphite. Still, charcoal does seem to consistently find its way into my work. When the resources are available, printmaking is another medium I work in.

3) When we first met, I was struck by your ability to be down to earth and yet still maintain a high respect for your art and work. How do you keep your creative work important while also staying lighthearted?

It is far too easy to feel the weight of your work, and become apprehensive about your practice; Creativity is not a clearly defined road. Bruce Mau’s “An Incomplete Manifesto for Growth” has become a go-to resource and constant reminder to “be willing to grow,” “forget about good,” “love [my] experiments (as [I] would an ugly child)” and that “process is more important than outcome.”

4) At the end of the day, what drives you?

It is the process of creating the work that drives me. The studio is church; It is here I am able to spend time with myself, and both see and converse with myself in different ways; On paper, reflected on a canvas, through scattered thoughts in a sketchbook. To quote Bruce Mau again, “If process drives outcome we may not know where we’re going, but we will know we want to be there.”

5) What are you working on right now?

I am currently working on how to fit my art practice into my life outside of the institution. I recently finished my studies, and am learning routine and discipline that are somehow a little more straight-forward to manage while in art school, and surrounded by the support of other artists and peers. I am learning to find the value in my work in the midst of a society that reinforces the idea that what artists do has little value; I am learning to let that belief in what I do drive my practice. My goal right now is to continue making and working on my current body of work with the same intensity as I would within the institution. I am working on solidifying my practice under new circumstances.

6) Do you have any morning/night routines that centre you?

Establishing routine is part of my working towards this goal. A struggle I’ve noticed is flipping the switch “off” of work mode, and “on” to art mode. An approach I've taken to is gently remind myself when it's studio time. I do this by setting aside sufficient time for myself, going to my little studio space, and easing myself into my personal creative space either by playing an instrument, reading something related or unrelated to my practice, or journalling. Eventually, I end up at a piece of paper, canvas, or in my sketchbook.

7) If you were to pass on any advice/knowledge/wisdom to other creative seeking spirits, what would you want to say?

Make. Always keep making.

8) You have lived in various parts of Canada, as an artist which places have inspired you the most?

I’ve been fortunate enough to live, study, and make work over much of Eastern Canada. Everywhere has had something a little bit different to offer and has contributed to my work in different ways. I attended an artist residency at The Banff Centre in November 2015, and it was the first time in my years of making that I felt and saw shifts in my work corresponding directly to my environment around me. I truly fell in love with the mountains, and can say they had a direct impact on the work I was making at the time. The rest of Canada that I’ve spent time in have been places I’ve resided in, and so they’ve influenced my work for different reasons. Those influences tend to be more related to people than a place. I am very fortunate to have strong support systems of family, friends, and mentors in Ontario, Quebec, and Nova Scotia. “The Creatives” is among those.

9) You were and still are a member of 'The Creatives' group that meets here in Halifax, what kept you coming back every month? 

“The Creatives” is not only a kind of support system to me, but a group of some of my very close friends. “The Creatives” is made up of a group of unique and inspiring women. They are people with whom I can relate, but still, everyone comes from different places and offering varying life experiences, insight, and perspective. The women who participate in “The Creatives” are so much of what makes the group what it is. It is a safe place to come together with people of similar interests, aspirations, struggles, and discuss these things. Without fail, every month, I leave the group feeling hopeful and inspired. The connection and sense of community I feel with these women is a large part of what keeps me coming back.

10) You have had your work in various shows, what have you learned from those experiences?

Shows are great experiences - they serve as wonderful opportunities to share your work with the public, and create discourse surrounding it. They are also helpful in receiving different feedback to take back to the studio. Shows are exciting, and leave me proud, humbled, and motivated. It feels as though they mark different chapters in my art practice, and so encourage and propel me forward to continue to make new work.

SpotlightAmy LaiComment
Spring 2016

The air is different and the sun is warmer.  There is a quickening in the beat of my heart that happens this time of year.  It's a knowing that around the bend there will be something that will take my breath away.  

Spring does this to me.  I get all frisky, jittery, hyper, feverish and completely strung out for living.

So I'll let you in on a few things that are making me mad for life.  

1.  A Deadline.

There is a rush of adrenaline that comes when a deadline is nipping at your heels.  Will it devour me before I reach the finish line? or maybe if I just push a bit further I might just make it.  And the thrill of knowing that the deadline is nipping at my heels only because I choose it to be.  Maybe I'll let it pass...maybe I won't.  Only it and I know how this story ends. 

2.  A Podcast.

There has been a burning happening in the depths of mine and another womans heart.  We have been seriously digging in all the rubble of life, art and love and carefully planning a podcast.  The launch date is still unknown, but we have been tending to this gem carefully and making sure we collaborate in ways that brings quality.  This has me on my tippy toes and near tears of joy.


3.  All the ladies.

I love women.  I am a complete feminist and love it when a woman rises strong amidst the rubble.  We were made to be strong warriors.  It's not a mistake that we are tasked with bringing forth new life.  Men are not built for that kind of stamina.  I have women who filter in and out of my everyday life who are beacons of warriors in heels, in shoes made for men, in  barefeet and in old socks.  I love their bodies, their minds and the way our laughter rings out in the night air.

And Spring days have a way of unfolding like a flower... here are a few I am all ants in my pants about:

1. Zoës first birthday.

Her first year of life has been a roller coaster of growth, change and events for all of us.  Celebrating this little golden arrows first birthday takes my breath away at the thought.

2. Mama & Zoës first road trip.

While Daddys away the girls will play.  We are making the most of the time alone together while Daddy is away this season and have planned many adventures to keep us loving and living life to the fullest.  

3. Les Miserables - A Choir Fundraiser

I joined a spectacular ensemble at Bedford Baptist to raise money for Syrian Refugees.  After almost two years off the 'theatrical' stage this thrills me to no end.  I leave rehearsals with goosebumps every time and cannot wait to spend a day performing these beautiful songs. 

Jot Notes | March '16

To summarize the highlights of this month in the least amount of words.

1. The incredible filmography, production, story and altogether moving piece of "Twinsters", easily found on nextflix. 

2.  This song in rehearsal: "Stars". 

3. Vegas Volt on my lips...

4. Videos of this woman for days....

5. Reading Night Film is oddly interesting.

6. These words heal me.

7. Trying this day planner / journal concept

8. This TV Shows debut of it's updated look, from revengeful to playful.

9. Nights shared with this sister

10. All the Spring Planning

Jot NotesAmy LaiComment
Why I Capsule Wardrobe | Winter 2016 Wrap-up

Why Capsule?

After having a baby and wearing mostly second-hand maternity clothes for the pregnancy I was anxious to get back into items that felt like me.

What I wasn't prepared for was the change in who I felt I was as a woman.  I looked at my closet and realized that these styles, colours and prints were someone else.

I felt different.  Very very different.

But the budget was small and the ability for me to just go out and change my whole wardrobe  was not an option.

So what did I do?

Seasonal Capsule Wardrobes.

Capsule Wardrobing is a buzz term on the internet and there are varying degrees on what it can mean and how to do it. For me, I decided it was this.

1) Assess Previous & Current Season items.

Winter, Spring, Summer & Autumn I would assess my clothes and make sure that every item I stored in a drawer or closet would not only be worn that season, but be loved and adored by me.

2) Identify three items that needed to be replaced, or added to the wardrobe.  

This usually includes something practical, something I have been drooling over and  a lipstick colour for funzies.

3) Quality over quantity.  

Having less means less choices to make every day and having really good quality clothing also means that I will get good wear and enjoyment out of each and every item. 

Clockwise: Black H&M Skinnys, 2 Turtle Necks from Winners (will be getting rid of one, both are starting to look worn), Red Plaid Button Up from Winners, Black & White H&M Quarter Length T, Dark Joe Fresh Skinny Jeans, Mod Cloth Dress, N…

Clockwise: Black H&M Skinnys, 2 Turtle Necks from Winners (will be getting rid of one, both are starting to look worn), Red Plaid Button Up from Winners, Black & White H&M Quarter Length T, Dark Joe Fresh Skinny Jeans, Mod Cloth Dress, Nordic Leggings from Zulily, White & Black Forever 21 Cat quarter length sweater, Forever 21 Black Cat sweater, Circle scarf from Modcloth 

Amy LaiComment
What Dance Taught Me
amygrace&Toby Ali '13

amygrace&Toby Ali '13

I am a terrible dancer.

This may come as a surprise, but it is true.

I don't know if I found dance or dance found me...But I do know we are intertwined now, a forever bond that keeps my feet to the rhythm.

On a whim in 2011, I decided I wanted to learn how to Swing Dance and thus the training began.  (albeit with a few years of basic figure skating under my belt, I understood only the concept of movement on ice.)  

You may not know it now, but I still struggle with the theory and fundamentals of dance.  As I do with most things.  

Watch me at a dance, and you may think I am making this up and it is all in my head.

Maybe that is where it starts.  Inside my head, I am my own worst enemy.  I fumble up on thinking through footwork, and I complicate moves by processing on overdrive.  I end up confused, tangled and out of sync.

Yet, I still dance.

In amidst all my doubts and clumsiness over myself I have become that woman who can surprise a 'lead' with a move that adds depth and creativity.  I can use musicality and personality to my advantage and I routinely and stubbornly practice moves until I have learned them.

Over all the flubs and flat out feet cringing moments, learning dance has taught me that no matter what may seem confusing, too much or too complicated, if the desire is there and I put dedication in, I will reach a level where I can look back and see how much I learned, can do and have achieved.

One clumsy foot after another.

Amy LaiComment
Spotlight | Danielle Doiron

Danielle and I met in 2014 while we attended the Pre Professional Training Program at Neptune Theatre in Halifax, Nova Scotia.  She is vibrant, stylish and someone I now call a dear friend.  She lives in Toronto now and keeps my feed alive with her adventures.


Actor|Singer|Fashion Blogger

How would you describe yourself? 

Oh man....well, I’m someone who is very giving, and I like to do things for other people.  I’m determined.  I’m strong.  I’m funny and strange, and weird (in a good way!).  I like to be goofy.  Sometimes I can be shy and anxious too.  I think a lot of people don’t realize that about me at first.  Well, maybe the shy part, but not the anxious part.  I’m a small girl, with big dreams!

How has creativity manifested itself in your everyday? 

I’ve definitely found over the years that creativity is a way for me to centre myself.  If I’m feeling stressed, or tired, or even excited.  Being creative is a good way for me to express myself.  A couple years ago I read the book The Artist Way and it really changed the way I view creativity.  I find a big thing for me is giving myself the time to be creative.  I get cranky if I don’t have enough time to express myself.  

Currently, you are in Toronto, what is the atmosphere like there?

So far people have been pretty amazing here.  I’m lucky because I have some friends from Halifax, and a lot of friends from when I used to live in Montreal who now live in Toronto too.  So they’ve kinda taken me under their wing, which I really appreciate.  I’ve heard that it takes a year, and I’ve heard it takes two years, and some people say they are just feeling like they are getting a handle of the city after five years.  I’m excited.  There is so much happening here.  I’m constantly overhearing conversations in the street or just while I’m out, of other performers talking about shows they are doing.  I like to listen and see if I can learn anything from their experiences.  There are tons of open mics and the improv scene is INSANE!  So, so good!  So far the improv community has been really welcoming to me too, so I really appreciate that.  There’s definitely higher stakes here, but I like that.  I like that there is room to grow.

You became such a dear and solid friend during our year in the Neptune Theatre Pre Professional Training Program. In reflection on that year together what is your take away from what they provided us there? 

Awe, thanks girl!  You are very dear to me too!  I was certainly grateful having you there along for that ride!  PPTP really taught me a lot about how to prepare, how to be there for myself as an artist.  I was working a part-time job at the time, but it was really the first time that I just got to focus my energy just on acting and performance and creativity.  It was such a blessing.  I’m so grateful to have had that time to just be.  On the first day, and you might remember this, Chuck, the school director talked to our class and said, “you will never get time like this again.  Don’t F*** it up!”  and that always stuck with me.  It was so great to have that time, to grow and just be.  The first semester was all about process, not product and that was a real switch for me.  A lightbulb moment I guess, because it really taught me that it’s important to try things, and make mistakes and just to spend time on doing and exploring, rather than trying to make it perfect the very first time.  

Can we just reflect on how crazy it was that we were two of three girls in a class full of young guys?? What are your thoughts on how gender played a role in that year. 

Omg...yes, that was very unexpected!  Again, it’s such a blessing that you and me and Sarah got along!  In some ways I feel our class was less competitive...but who knows if that would have changed had there been more girls in the class.  I found it a big harder to get to know the other classmates initially.  But in the end, I love those guys so much!  I know we didn’t really have any drama, which was awesome!

You have played various roles in your acting career thus far, which has been your favourite? 

Ooo good question!  It’s hard to say.  A stand-out for me is probably the roles I played in Spring Awakening, the musical.  At first, I was disappointed because I wanted more singing roles, but in the end, I had such a blast playing those characters.  It was the first time I really played adult characters too.  I played Fraulein Knuppledick, Frau Gabor and shared the role of Fraulein Grossebustenhalter.  I just remember not wanting the run of the play to end.  I wish I could have kept playing those roles for sure.  It was fun because all three characters were so different and we really had room to play around and find the characters.

Your Fashion Blog continues to inspire me, how did fashion and personal style become one of your mediums? 

Haha, thanks girl!  Apparently I used to dress myself pretty crazy as a kid and my older sisters were always getting on my mom to not let me leave the house in what I was wearing, but she would just say that I liked what I was wearing.  I remember my sisters putting a very strong emphasis on matching haha.  But being a younger sister, I got a lot of hand-me downs.  So I’d get a lot of new to me clothes often, and there was usually pretty cool stuff because it was sometimes clothing meant for a slightly older age.  My mom is also a seasmstress, so she’d make us all clothes too!  We’d pick out a pattern and fabric, and she’d make something for us!  That was really cool!  Growing up I was in jr. High, getting my older sister’s clothes (who was in high school).  She had really good style and would lend me clothes or give me stuff that was sometimes barely worn!  

I think being one of 5 children, fashion just was another way for me to express myself and stand out a bit.  I didn’t always have a lot of money, so I’d have to search the sales racks and figure out how I was going to make several outfits from one top.  I also used to watch “What Not to Wear” with my dad!  He has really good style too!  So I learned about what sort of shapes look good depending on your body type/style.  

A big inspiration for me was when I spent a Summer living on exchange in Montreal when I was 17.  It was the first time I had a consistent job and I bought so many clothes!  The fashion in Montreal was and continues to be so inspiring to me.  Once I lived in Montreal again, I started to get inspired by vintage clothing, because you could often find it for cheap and it was well made.

So I guess it’s just my way to express myself.  And then after much peer pressure from you (jk!) I started the fashion blog.  Originally I didn’t think I was qualified, but then I realized that it can be whatever I want it to be and that I don’t have to know everything in order to do the blog and that I can just focus on what I do know and am interested in.  

Danielles Closet Blog

You were and still are a member of 'The Creatives' group that meets here in Halifax, what kept you coming back every month? 

Oh man, The Creatives are the best!  I miss them!  For me, I had a hard time coming back to Halifax.  Even though I was born there and grew up there, I moved away when I was 20, so moving back I didn’t know a lot of the community and I found it challenging at times to make friends.  I remember you inviting me to The Creatives wine night and I went, and immediately felt at home.  Everyone was so warm and welcoming.  And for me I really loved listening to the other women sharing their experiences and ups and downs with creativity and life and it was really great for me to have a place where I could talk openly and candidly about my struggleswhile feeling so much support!  And of course, then I became friends with most of the people in the group, so eventually it also became a place for me to see some awesome ladies who were now my friends!  It was really fun...oh and the wine and treats didn’t hurt either!

Do you have any morning or night routines that centre you? 

It comes and goes.  I love doing yoga in the mornings, but I go through stages of when I do it.  I’ll do it for a while, and then life will get busy and I’ll stop, then I’ll start doing it again.  The last few months I’ve been in such transit, I’d like to find a little more routine to my days. 

If you were to pass on any advice/knowledge/wisdom to other creative seeking spirits, what would you want to say?

Find your people!  Especially if you’re living in a new place, or starting a new creative endeavor.  You need people who will inspire you and who will be there for you on those tough days....and there will be tough days!  Listen to your gut and your intuition.  Go to events alone if you don’t have anyone to go with.  Introduce yourself.  Make stuff.  Remember, it’s just someone’s opinion.  My former acting coach used to say “You are stronger than you think you are!” and it’s so true!  Focus on what you want to do, not what everyone is telling you “you should do.”  GOOD LUCK!

The Creatives Meet Up | Winter 2016

Back to basics was what resonated at this meet-up.  We came back to the core women who have built this group and we welcomed back one of us who spend months away in Europe studying and working.

The past year was a growing one for all of us in many different ways.  In some respects, we have more questions than before.  In other ways we know better.  We have discovered that our questions are okay and that when we answer one set of questions sooner rather than later we will be faced with more and the journey will continue.

We coloured, caught up and Skyped with Jasmine Alexander who is currently teaching in Korea and finding a niche for herself until the end of this year.  One of our fabulous ladies brought a grouping of inspirational / motivational cards and we all picked one.  (The fortune cookie lover in me looooooved this)  I received 'Openness' which only emphasized my intentions and goals for this beautiful group.  I desire a safe and open place for anyone to come to and be blessed by the atmosphere of creativity and growth. 

Our Meet Ups are going Seasonal now.  

Monthly meet ups had it's time and place and now I sense a shift.  Shifts are always a good thing when we move with them.


I hope to see these meet ups find a place in 2016 that is deep, rich, intentional and connective.  I started the Meet Ups to be surrounded by 'makers' , now I continue these meet-ups for depth and growth. 

And what better time to pursue growth then the Spring?

Which is right around the corner...

Motivation | How to Get Some

"...not everyone is as motivated as you."  This has been said to me on more than one occasion, and every time it surprises me.  'Me? Motivated?  I guess.  I guess I am.  Yeah... sure.  I can't sit still for long, so it must be true.  I am motivated.'

Ladies & Gentleman, 

I am a fraud.  

I am not motivated in the slightest. 

Not the real me.  Not the me inside.  The me inside is a powerhouse at eating chocolate, binge watching seasons of television shows, and watching Ladies of London so my own life seems much less dramatic.  Yes... I am not motivated in the slightest. 

Yet there is a little nugget of truth that I keep inside for the days the chocolate chip bag is getting emptier and emptier.  On the days I feel less and less inclined to get up and breathe fresh air. 

The end result is greater if I (insert responsibility, work, chore, activity, hobby) than if I sit here longer.  

The end result is greater than...  Every time.

Last night I texted this to a good friend:

"On the topic of not being motivated:  this is me texting three minutes before dance class, before I walk in the door, wishing I was anywhere but here and that it was cancelled or something...because I'd rather be eating popcorn watching fuller house...Yet...The end result of this class is worth has to be.  I love to dance...& yet, every day life drains me into less of myself until I am groaning about something I want to do."

In that moment, I knew that by texting this to her I would be dispelling my need to turn around and do what apathy wanted me to do.

I know who I am when I am apathetic.  She is not a version of myself I ever want to live with on purpose again so anytime I feel that apathy I reach for motivation as if it's my only lifeline. 


How I am Staying Motivated

1) Creating pockets in my days for my latest obsessions. 

Keeping certain times of the day for me to browse Pinterest, have a sweet treat, watch a new episode of my favourite show keeps me balanced in knowing that it will happen.  I will have that time to myself for my favourite (sometimes mindless) things.  I do not have to be ruled by them.

2) Doing one thing at one time.

Multi-tasking is a double edged sword.  Baking and listening to music is one thing, but watching a tv show, scrolling through Facebook and texting a friend at the same time is one way to loose the whole point of all three. When I mindfully choose a task and do it whole heartedly I enjoy it more and I am more likely to be satisfied by the time I am done.

3) Focusing on the end result.

With any task the end result is what matters.  What kept me motivated to loose the baby weight after birth was not the current moment.  If I was judging life by the current moment, I wouldn't have moved an inch from bed.  I remembered what it felt like to move with ease and dance with abandon and that was what I wanted to do again.  No biscuit, piece of cake or brownie was worth compromising me feeling strong again.  

4) Having a morning & night routine that centres me with anything that happened in-between.

A lot can happen in a day.  We can create soothing habits and promises to ourselves by bookending our days with certainty.

5) Identifying and staying accountable to those who will enoucrage and support my current lifestyle and goals.

Know who has your back in each different aspect of your life.
Amy Lai Comment
Jot Notes | February '16

To summarize the highlights of this month in the least amount of words.

1. Got slammed by Disney Pixars 'Inside Out'.

2. Spoiled and kept warm by these Valentines Socks.

3. Gave him / us glasses to 'cheers' with.  (We do it with everything.)

4. It's "The End of the Day" all day .... cause Les Miserables rehearsals.  

5.  Was sent the free replacement for my broken water bottle (Only broke because baby girl tipped it off the counter with cap off onto tile floor.  Glass lip contacted first....smashed.)

6. Falling in love with boyfriend jeans.

7.  Had a rise in temperature to the fog, mist and mildness of east coast spring.

8. Had Shrove Tuesday with Family.

9. Found the podcast Serial ... now I know what all the fuss is about. ADDICT! 

10.  Read Permission & Persistence from Elizabeth Gilberts Big Magic book.  It's getting real. 


What are your jot notes from February ? 

Jot NotesAmy LaiComment
The Damage of "What Do You Do?"

"What do you do?"

It is common practice in a social situation to pose this question.  We ask it to connect, to relate and to compare.  We ask it, because in our culture, status is more important than being genuine.

Genuinely curious if the other persons 'doing' relates to you?  Genuinely interested in a life outside of your own?


But posed this way in North America, "What do you do?" implies multiple pressures that creates an inauthentic and highly judgmental exchange.  

I say this from all sides.

I have been the career woman who when asked launches into a unique description of a career and job that the person who asked knows nothing about.  I am shiny, interesting and almost awe inspiring to this person. 

I have been the student who when asked regales the tales of a career turned creative enthusiast who is studying her passions and teaching on the side.  I am bright, strange and almost intriguing to this person.

I have been the ill pregnant woman who when asked expresses hope for the future, a quiet present and is soaking in the inspiration of birth.  I am natural, pathetic, and almost wishful thinking to this person.

I have been the post baby woman who when asked quickly replies with health and wellness for the present, writing and project launching for the coming months and is focusing on the needs of herself and baby first.  I am annoying, boring and almost irritating to this person.

I am the creative woman who when asked chooses to reply by saying I am intrigued by how creativity works in our lives and currently I am studying and writing about it.  I also mentor others in creativity and I keep up with an almost one year old.  I am odd, joyful and misunderstood often by you.

Instead of asking

"What do you do?"

We should be asking:

What intrigues you?  How do you do life?  What would you call yourself? 

Ask more than just a question that will help you analyze someone, ask questions that will help you understand who they are as a whole being better.  Anyone can give you their 'work' description, but not everyone can explain whole heartedly what drives them and how they get through the everyday. 

Amy LaiComment
Creating a Lifestyle that Fits

Social media has created a wonderful and yet dizzying concept of what it means to be 'living'.  What it means to have a 'lifestyle'.  Scroll through some images, read some blogs and there we can define ourselves by the 'living' of others.  Yet, it may never truly be your own lifestyle.  Because you didn't own it.

Lifestyle is 'how we do our everyday'.  

The practice of owning and defining our lifestyle is life altering.  The process not only creates a vision for where we want to be, but gives us a very defined outline of how to live our day to day.  Days lead to weeks, weeks lead to months and months lead to years.  

So how do we figure it all out?  

1) What's your personality pace?

Are you motivated by a busy schedule?  High stakes, high rewards?  Are you drained by crowds and being rushed?  Do you desire synchronicity in work, relationships and play?  Do you wish others would slow down or speed up with you?

2) Where do you see yourself?  

City, country, lake, ocean, mountains, fields, weekend, weekdays, cafés, malls, etc?

3)  Identify Wellness.

Mental, Physical, Emotional, Relational, Financial.  Identify one thing in each that you desire.

4) A daily gift to yourself.

What is one small thing that you can promise yourself you will do that will make you happy? 

5) Pick three words.

What are three separate words that describe your desired lifestyle?


If you review these five mindful questions you will be led to defining a lifestyle that fits you.

Insert Your answers.


I am a (describe personality)  _______________ , who wants to be in/at (insert location) ____________ on the weekdays and in/at (insert location) ___________ on the weekends.  I routinely need to have (mental requirement), _______ , (physical requirement)__________ , (emotional requirement)_________ , (relational requirement)___________, (Financial requirement) and (any other form of wellness) ___________.  I will daily (daily gift) ________ to feed my spirit and ultimately I will keep ______, ______, ______ in mind as I go about my day.



Amy LaiComment