LIFESTYLE | December 2020 Reads


This read all about taking a day to rest and unplug from screens was right up my ally. If you know me at all, you know that as a personal rule I am unplugged on Saturdays. This puts another spin and perspective on why that might be the best thing for you.


I loved getting Melindas perspective on all things work/mothering and passion for both. Her relationship with her husband is one that they have honed and harnessed to inspire, collaborate with and love each other.


A fun rapid read twist on what happens after Mulan causes the avalanche.


At times, I struggled to keep track of the characters of this one. If you love a good plot twist, and major character weaving, this is a good one.


Does this really need any explanation? Glennon speaks to the heart of personal identity, womanhood and all that we have struggled to overcome in a society that repeats its mistakes over and over again.


I admit, I found myself skimming sections of this huge novel. Mostly, because as this is an “aside” to the series of a side and main character, I accidentally fell into thinking I had already read sections, when really it was more zoomed in moments, filling in the gaps and giving us insight into what John & Jamie got up to while Claire was in the future.


An interesting take on a woman during WWII trying to navigate the pursuit and marriage of a dangerous man. I found it interesting. The main character a delightful read.

WORK | December 2020 Vlog

Since March 2020 I have done monthly vlogs to better understand what it means to use Final Cut Pro. Although I haven’t even scratched the surface as far as what the program is capable of, I think I was able to hone in on what it means to curate content, edit it down, add some fun shot ideas and maintain a through line with each episode.

This is the last episode in that personal challenge to myself.

Not sure exactly what my next personal media project will be, but I have a few ideas up my sleeve.

Stay tuned!

LIFESTYLE | A Year of Flow

Entering 2021, there was a strong rising up in me to embrace the growth and shifts that had occurred in 2020, not with a rebellion, but with a spirit of quiet confidence.

Much has shifted in the personal and professional aspects of life this year that it seems the only way to continue is to merely that: continue.

Sometimes one needs a shakeup, and other times, one needs to allow the growth from before to allow the next wave of change and progression to continue.


noun 1 [in singular] the action or fact of moving along in a steady, continuous stream: the flow of water into the pond.

I have recently come into an awareness of how to harness my daily rhythms to allow me to work more openly and efficiently. Starting work at six o'clock am, getting the bulk of my tasks down first thing to free up my mind for any lingering or surprising tasks/events has allowed me the creative space to be innovative in my work.

It's easy to get caught up with the busywork. Scrolling on social media, answering emails and falling down rabbit holes when researching.

Embracing the idea that I can plan my days to flow in a natural way instead of trying to cram every second with a to-do list and inevitably numbing my mind with scrolling as breaks that were inefficient methods of pretending productivity was a game-changer.

The questions I keep coming back to:

How can I harness this new awareness?

How can I not lose what I have learned?

How can I go into a new year and not forget?

And there it came.

The concept of flow.

That you can go from one thing to another with a steady and continuous movement. That it doesn't need to crash or bang, or even shout. That it can be as simple and beautiful as the quiet confidence of moving from one year to the next.

Throughout this new year, I hope to continue the work I have begun. To push projects into production and to the writers' rooms, be them physical or virtual.

I will remember the rest that is required when working hard to create and collaborate. I will set up boundaries to keep myself from getting distracted with the mindless busywork that seeks to distract me, like fast food.

I will remember that to create is to also allow the concept of flow to produce a rhythm that is as sustainable as it is in motion.