WORK | Kaitlyn Adair's Series ADHMe Ep.2 - Productivity


Kaitlyn Adair from Rebel Film Productions graciously invited me on her series ADHMe to discuss the in’s and out’s of self regulation and what it looks like to be productive.

Ep.2 Description
ADHMe episode two: Productivity

I talk with @byamygrace about productivity, tuning into self, and how to have one seriously organized week!

Amy’s self-regulation practices:
-Monday to Friday:
Wake up at 6am (have everything prepared the night before so wake up is cared for)
Block the day into 4 hour chunks and theme the blocks in a way you like. (Amy’s were glow up, production, creativity, and connection).
0 inbox-organize emails

24 hours unplugged, free time

-Once during the week: write night, make it a thing.

-Be present to self. Reflect, consider, action.
