Posts in Spotlight
SPOTLIGHT | Brigitte Truong

In many respects, I feel as if I have known Brigitte for years.  That if I flew to Toronto, she would be one of the first people I would seek out to grab a drink with.  In truth, I haven't met her in person, and yet, there is something utterly amazing about our exchanges online that has inspired me.  Brigitte has a genuine and positive presence that transcends the pretence and filters of online social media and any media work she does.  I have no idea how I stumbled on her instagram account, but what I do know, is that when a woman is seeking to do her life and work in impactful, positive and joyful ways, it gets contagious!  She is contagious.

Her Instagram     Her Website

How would you describe yourself?

Ooooh I love how we’re kicking things off with a super loaded question!  Well, in a nutshell I’d have to say I’m a free spirited, impulsive but thoughtful goal chaser who tries to live the one life I have (until I’m reincarnated again ;) with an open mind, open heart, and the utmost gratitude every day.

What role does creativity play in your life?

Creativity is the cornerstone of my life, and it was all I had growing up as an only child.  My parents worked really hard to give me a blessed life and because of that, I always found myself alone with a pretty wild imagination. I used to occupy my time by crafting, watching movies, and playing with Fisher Price toys with my imaginary friends.  Now that I think of it, I was kind of a loner haha, but a creative one! I would let my imagination run rampant, as most kids do.  Not much has changed in my adult life as I enter my 10th year as an entertainment host and digital creator. I wake up every morning and go to bed at night envisioning the stories I want to tell, how to tell them, and who I can tell them with.  I wish my brain would shut off sometimes!

What are you currently working on?

There’s a lot of exciting stuff coming down the pipeline on television and with some awesome brands that I’m really grateful for, most of which I can’t discuss just yet unfortunately. Please stay tuned on social media! Outside of that, I’m gearing up for some fun shoots with Cineplex as their VIP Pre Show Host which is always a blast!

What was the last book/movie/podcast etc. that left an impression on you?

This is a great question!  Because it’s awards season and we’re a month away from the Oscars, I’m going to give a big shout out to Lady Bird. This isn’t just a coming of age story about a teenager who struggles with her identity and finds it.  It’s a film that I think, everyone can relate to, especially women of all ages.  Written and directed by Greta Gerwig, you’ll find yourself getting lost in the dialogue and scenarios that are so relatable and humbling.  At the end of it, you’ll be reminded of how important home is and the significance of your roots. No matter where you are today and who you are today, you musn’t forget your foundation and those who were part of it.  It’s such a great message!

What advice would you give to other creatively driven people?

Creativity knows no boundaries.  We live in a time where you can create your own opportunities and find your voice and community on a slew of different platforms.  No longer are the days of finding the “right time,” meeting the “right people,” or waiting to have that “perfect resume.”

 It’s 2018.  When your attitude is right the facts don’t matter.  Make it happen. 


SPOTLIGHT | Jessica Fletcher-Marmont

Jessica Fletcher - Marmont | Lakehouse Salon & Wellness

Jessica and I met years ago.  How? I don't remember the exact time, but I always take note on how she lets her presence rest amongst others and listens in.  Her laughter is quick and her insight is deep.

She asked me to go through her responses and shorten it... but honestly, I can't bring myself to make her honest and real words any shorter.  They are hers and so beautifully shared and outpoured.

I am honoured to listen in to her heart, her journey and her growth.


How would you describe yourself?

As a newly discovered introvert. As someone that is from a large family and has lived a fairly social, fairly demanding life, discovering that I was an introvert was surprising. My first reaction to the realization was relief. I had been struggling with burn out related anxiety and difficulty sleeping and I thought I was really starting to go off the deep end. My thoughts were “yay! I’m not losing it! I just need to re-strategize how I am fuelling myself!”. My second thought “Oh crap, how the heck am I going to get any time alone… ever?" 

A little background on myself. On the home front : I have a very large family, with lots of siblings and their spouses and a beautiful little niece, and two rascals of my own. Charlotte is 2 ½ and Finn is 10 months. On the professional side : My husband owns a real-estate development and construction company and I own a salon and wellness centre, and I am a hairstylist as well.

Both my husband and I budget every millisecond of the day. Not particularly healthy even for an extrovert! I have lived hovering on the edge of burnout for the last few years (as most moms / entrepreneurs / women in general can relate to) but 2017 kicked me down that last notch.

My son was born in January, suffering from a bad case of colic, so no sleep for 3 months straight. In the early spring my family experienced the tragic loss of my older brother, 32 years old, with a wife and 1 yr old daughter. This was the biggest blow of my 30 yr old life, and I had no idea how to cope with it. Shortly after losing my brother, we moved from our apartment into a house. In July I executed on a relocation plan for my salon that had been in motion since the previous December, closing out our Bedford location and opening up a newly branded salon and wellness centre in down town Dartmouth. My husband had just bought a big commercial building on lake Banook that he was/is still renovating, and the opportunity to be in our own building and get away from the high rent in Bedford was too good to pass up. The move date was July first and it was an absolute tornado of chaos! But it went well and we managed to get set it up in the nick of time.

We had been set up in our new salon only about a week or two when we discovered that an illness my baby brother (19 yrs old) had been dealing with for some time had taken an extreme turn for the worse, and that it had entered the ‘possibly fatal’ territory. Still reeling from the loss of my big brother, I did the only thing I could do. I packed up my husband and kids and I moved back in with my parents and little brother. A month later, we lost him. I stayed with my Mom and Dad for a few weeks, but every inch of their house spoke to me of my lost brothers, and I had to get out. Back to our house in Dartmouth.

It has been a little over three months now, and after the initial few weeks of numb disbelief wore off, I plunged into the above mentioned total emotional, physical burn out. Difficulty concentrating, headaches, day sweats, night sweats, insomnia, the shakes, you name it! I felt like I was cracked glass, and any minute, pieces of me were going to start falling off and smashing on the floor. I had been avoiding alone time like the plague since losing my older brother (because that’s when the grief would corner me and make me feel it ) But now, fear it though I may, I started to feel as though if I didn’t turn to face it, I would be in a padded room by Christmas! So, in an act of desperation, I reached out to my family, admitting for the first time all year that ‘I wasn’t doing so well’. And like the wonderful family they are, they descended on me with lots of help and hen pecking. For a week, my sisters took turns taking the kids over night, I went to see my doctor about the insomnia, and for the first time in a loooong time….I got some sleep. I had been building all these fantasies in my head of all the things I would do if I only had some time to myself. Books I would read, writing I wanted to do, sketching etc… but in those few precious days of alone time, I just wanted to sleep and do nothing. I hadn’t been alone with myself in so long that my tank was empty. I wanted creativity to pour from an empty vessel, and had to grudgingly accept that it just doesn’t work that way. 

For the first time in my life, I had admitted to myself that I needed alone time, and (thanks to my family) actually made it happen. For that week anyway.. The weeks that have followed my ‘hitting rock bottom’ moment have been full of up’s and downs.

I had this image of myself that had meant a lot to me. I was strong, I was a leader, I was eternally positive, I was wonder woman, I could and would do it all and be everything to everyone! Yeah, that’s not been the case.

But I am learning that when everything that you think you know about yourself gets stripped away, you have two choices. Blame life and blame the world and slip into bitterness.  OR, take a breath, open your eyes and see yourself for who you really are… not made of stone, not super human, and love yourself anyway. And if you can manage that, you will rise with a dignity and an empathy that you have never been capable of before.

In getting to know myself as I truly am, seeing my weaknesses and not making excuses for them, I have found a sense of compassion for myself. I had felt plenty of compassion for other people in my life, but never for myself. It has been an out of body experience, like I am looking at myself with the heart of a mother, and wanting myself to heal and grow and blossom, living up to my potential as a mother and a sister and a daughter, a friend and a business woman, and of course, a creative. It make me sad that I had to get knocked so low before I finally learned what it really meant to love yourself and take care of yourself.


What role does creativity play in your life?


Since a young age, creativity has been all I think about. It has been my constant friend, and my constant distraction. I read an outline of ‘being introverted’ recently and one of the lines read ‘introverts find solace in doing quiet activities in which they can create new worlds using their minds.’ And this is what I would do with all forms of creativity. Both taking in, creating art and reading literature whenever possible! Being homeschooled was perfect for me.   I would skim over my lesson, do the bare minimum, and then read and draw with the rest of the school day!  This made for a very happy and confident child, capable of lots of socialization and extroverted behaviour (as I was always so fuelled up on creativity and alone time.)

When I chose my career as a hair stylist, everyone thought it would be perfect. Creative and social! But, it was a struggle, I found myself very tired all the time, and feeling unmotivated, and not knowing why.  Thus began the struggle with lethargy that coloured my 20’s. Learning that I needed to express my creativity in other, more personal ways was something I learned quickly, but knowing isn’t the same as doing, and soon life started to get in the way. I know I benefited from it, but I hadn’t yet admitted to myself that I NEEDED it! I thought I should be able to satisfy myself with work being my outlet. But the social aspect took away its ability to be fuel for me, not to mention the lack of freedom in what I was creating! Being a hair stylist is all about actualizing on other people’s ideas and visions. To feel like I am receiving true creative therapy, freedom is an important ingredient!


What are you currently working on?


As much as I am dying to work on some creative projects that I can share with others around me, I am focusing on very personal expression right now. I confided some of my personal and creative struggles with a good friend and client of mine, and then the next day I found a set of beautiful writing / illustrating pens on my work station. I actually welled up (which I DON’T do in public as a general rule). And so I have been doing my best to make time for a little bit or journaling and doodling. Not much, I know, but coming out of a creative desert, even doodling feels like a lush green oasis of healing, and a manageable way to get the juices flowing again!


What was the last book/movie/podcast etc. that left an impression on you?


One of my favourite little creative guilty pleasures is a magazine subscription that my mother bought for me as a gift called Faerie Magazine. Its full of art, poems, interviews with artisans and writers, most importantly lots of whimsy and beauty. Nothing big and bold and earthshaking, but all the mothers / business owners out there can relate with me when I say, sometimes the only creative injection you have time for is something bitesized!


What advice would you give to other creatively driven people?


I opened my first salon when I was 25, and expanded it into a spa and wellness centre when I was 26. It was during the expansion that I met my husband, and a wedding at 27 and my daughter and age 28 made for a long busy stretch of ‘not having time’ for personal creative expression. Let me tell you what I learned during these years:  

Having a need to create that is not being exercised is like having a hyper dog that is not being exercised. Picture your mind being like a small apartment that that dog is being cooped up in. Ya, prepare for your creativity to wreak havoc on your sanity if you don’t MAKE time to let it out!!
SPOTLIGHT | Michelle Ethymiadis

I met Michelle years ago while in high school and have always loved her presence, sense of self and tenderness towards others.  I am thrilled to be able to see how life has evolved for both of us and share in the joy of our daughters.  Michelle has a beautiful way of encouraging others and I am so blessed to be getting to know her better as an adult. 

How would you describe yourself?

I would describe myself as a lover of nature, one who is energized by a breath of fresh air and the warmth of the sun. A lighthearted spirit who seeks joy and laughter wherever I go. A wife, a mother, a sister, a daughter. I find beauty and wonder in the simple things. A lover of story, curious to know others and discover truth. Seeking adventure without needing to go far. A disciple of Jesus, in whom I am made whole.

What role does creativity play in your life?

Creativity to me is a way of solving problems I may encounter, a way of using space and time to maximize productivity and resourcefulness. It’s a way of thinking that seeks new territory and a way of doing that doesn’t always fit the mold. In my work with children, creativity leads my planning, the activities and materials I facilitate in my program, and how I engage and expand their play.

What are you currently working on?

Currently I am working on my new business, The Owl Tree, which is a home-based childcare program for children aged 2-4 years. My passion for child development and my desire to contribute to our household income after my maternity leave, led me to this business creation. I seek to provide a space where little ones can engage in a play-based and child-directed environment in their own community. Although I have education and experience within this field, I have had to stretch myself in many ways to take on new challenges as a first time business owner.

What was the last book/movie/podcast etc. that left an impression on you?

A book that I read in the last year that left an impression on me was Lean In, by Sheryl Sandberg. What I felt from this book was an encouragement to look creatively at your life, to not expect that the way things have always been done, have to be done the same way going forward. We can develop new ways of time management, create new business ideas and structures and engage in new methods of learning so that our passions and dreams can be followed and achieved. Although I didn’t relate to the corporate work style she discusses often within this book, I was inspired to go after the things that pull on my heart with more boldness and confidence.

What advice would you give to other creatively driven people?

I have a heart for those people in this world (myself included) who wouldn’t label themselves as “creatively driven”. Even in describing myself, I shy away from these words. Sometimes when we discuss creativity, it can be loaded with expectations, or even limiting to certain groups of people or activities. I truly believe that all people are creative, but their avenue to create vastly differs from one to the other. I want to encourage those that doubt their own ability to be creative, because chances are they have a creative skill being used already in their life and may not label it as so. Perhaps it’s in the kitchen, where you can peer into your day-before-grocery-shopping fridge and create a great meal. Or your ability to rearrange furniture to maximize the space you need in your living room. Creativity can drive you to find a way to save those few extra dollars for date night when planning out your budget. Appreciate your gift, call it creativity, and find a way to expand upon it and share it with others.



SPOTLIGHT | Christine Giles

I have known Christine almost my entire life and throughout that time I have been in consistent awe of her creativity, her individuality and her abundance of love.  This woman has impacted my life in major ways and I credit her with passing on to me self-confidence, bravery, freedom to belt songs out because I have a voice and can use it, writing words on walls, and even just to let loose and think outside the box.  Christine continues to dig deep and create along the way.  I am THRILLED to share her words with you!

How would you describe yourself?

I would describe myself as classically edgy.  I love wearing ultra short hairstyles, wearing chunky-bling jewelry and looking like no one else.  I love tattoo's you can't see, and being the cool mom who writes notes in lunches everyday.  I am lover, a supporter, a confrontation avoid-er, a survivor and a fighter.  

What role does creativity play in your life?

It plays a HUGE role in my life and I credit my creativity with saving my life.  I am able to think on my feet, I have a solution for everything.  I've succeeded in my career for unique ideas and creativity.  I am a super cool mom because I am creative, Best Halloween Costumes, homemade pencil cases, wicked teacher gifts, and tutus for every occasion fun lunches and Pinterest shaming birthday parties.

What are you currently working / focused on?

I am currently working on some birthday shirts, home reno's, and a matching dress for me and my daughter for an up coming wedding.  I love to use water color at night to relax which watching TV.  I just need to be doing something creative it is a great outlet especially for my mental health

What was the last book/movie/podcast etc. that left an impression on you?

'What the Health' on Netflix scared me and I didn't know what to buy in groceries for a week. 

What advice would you give to other creatively driven people?

Creatively driven people need an outlet.  I suffer with a Mental Health Issues, this is the first time I am admitting it publicly. I need creativity in my life to relax and center me.  I get enjoyment and health from being creative.  Pick up the brush, grab the pen, dust off the sewing machine just let your creative juices flow.  You'll never be upset you did it. 

SPOTLIGHT | Gillian Hannah Berry

Gillian has been a powerful presence in my life.  Her integrity, her joy, her desire to go deep and her insatiable eye for beauty in nature and in fashion has a way of captivating anyone who knows her.  

How would you describe yourself?

I would describe myself as a designer, a grower, a writer, a beauty seeker, and an adventurer.

What role does creativity play in your life? 

Creativity gives me freedom and joy. It’s what brings me life. It gives a voice, a visual and a vessel to the things I feel led to communicate and share with others.  I like to capture and create beauty and share it with others so that they might be inspired and reflexively be given the permission to pursue what is in their own hearts.

What are you currently working on?

I have come to realize I have a trio of creative outlets that are all supporting of one another to uphold my creative fulfillment.  Fashion is a way for my creativity to express itself visually and sculpturally. I am currently working on a collection of women’s outerwear –coats specifically. Some are sculptural, others have clean lines. It’s been a lot of fun but a huge challenge as it’s the first time I am hoping to have the collection made into multiples to sell in the future.  Fashion can be a very intimate art form as you are making something for someone to literally put on themselves to embody the art you have created.  I want women to feel confident and inspired when they wear my designs.

I grow vegetable gardens, all through the year in the cold climate of Nova Scotia.  Gardening has been my solace in times of creative blockage and self-doubt.  Gardening gives me a peace that I do not get from my other work.  In some ways it is a spiritual practice that teaches me to be joyful and thankful for the abundance in my life, and what I was able to co create with the earth!  Last year I was harvesting cold tolerant lettuce varieties all winter long. These were grown underneath mini hoop tunnels that we built over my garden beds. 

And finally in the last 3 years I have gotten into writing a lot. I write poetry, and I am looking to find an outlet to share it with others very soon.  Writing is a way that I can communicate my ideas and feelings very directly and uninterrupted. It gives a voice to my creativity, and it also keeps mesane.  With some of my other creative outlets that involve a much longer process to completion, there is not an immediate relief and encouragement that comes from the output of creative energy. For me, when it comes to writing, there is this immediate relief and satisfaction. I’ve come to realize I need this trio in order to feel positive and like there is a healthy flow and balance to my creative expression. 

What was the last book/movie/podcast ect that left an impression on you?

The gifts of imperfections by Brene brown was the last book that left an impression on me.  She researches shame and vulnerability, and how overcoming shame and living a life where we allow ourselves to live fully present and be vulnerable in relationships with others is what guides us toward living a more wholehearted life.  What resonated with me most was how cultivating a sense of gratitude for the good things in our lives really positively shapes both our self-image and our relationships with others.  Brene brown really outlined to me areas I could improve in to live a more healthy and positive creative life that is well balanced. She talks about cultivating authenticity, self-compassion, resilience, gratitude, faith, creativity, play, rest, meaningful work, and laughter. She talks about how cultivating these key positive traits and practices in our lives, help us to live in a way that engages with others from a place of worthiness.  

What advice would you give to other creatively driven people? 

Advice I would give to other creatively driven people would be that I’d like to tell them not to compare themselves, and their accomplishments to others but I know they still will, because in today’s world it’s difficult not to. However, it is just not a fair thing to put yourself through. It’s so easy to stack everybody else’s accomplishments and lives so high and measure yourself as falling so far behind. It is not an accurate representation of the truth. Everybody feels the same way at some point in terms of not feeling good about where they are at. Everybody has different opportunity’s and advantages or disadvantages that make it easier or harder to end up where they are, so it’s never fair to measure your life next to someone else’s when all the variables are completely different. Instead try to remind yourself of the progress you have made, even if your progress is slow, because sometimes slow is the only manageable pace for the season you are in. seasons of progress and productivity come and go. The kinder and more gracious you are with yourself, the more confident you will be in what you have to offer the world creatively. I have found that seasons of productivity will come a lot easier when you are loving and respecting your inner artist in all its goodness as well as shortcomings. Another piece of advice would be If you feel stuck in some way, sometimes finding another creative outlet can support and jumpstart the area you felt stuck in. 


SPOTLIGHT | Aren Morris

1.How would you describe yourself? 

In progress…. Constantly evolving creatively, professionally, as a parent, wife, woman and human being. 

2.What role does creativity play in your life? 

Creativity is a craving of honesty, truth. Being creative is when I feel closest to God and my true self. 

3.What are you currently working on? 

I am always writing poetry… interesting words or ideas on slips of paper, lines of a poem in whatever journal I am carrying around, complete poems in a folder on my iPad. 

As a drama teacher, I often have some sort of production idea brewing… currently a piece using black and white makeup, to give the look of an old black and white film, as well as one on the history of Fultz House, a historic manor located in the town I teach in. 

More specifically, I am writing my first novel. 

4.What was the last book/movie/podcast etc. that left an impression on you? 

I recently finished reading “Love Warrior” by Glennon Melton Doyle. Wow! It is the most loving and compassionate feminist manifesto I’ve ever experienced. It confirmed many things I knew already and encouraged me to love myself even more profoundly. 

5.What advice would you give to other creatively driven people? 

Creativity takes time. You have to schedule it in. When I leave it to chance, the ideas get frustrated with me and they take off, but if I take the time to write them down as they make themselves known, I can do more, write more, create more.  
Also, it’s important to book time in your schedule. For me, predominantly creative through writing, I am happiest when I have a regular time in my routine to read, write, walk, meditate and so on. I live a chaotic and loud life as a drama teacher and mom to two boys, so scheduled “me” time, reflective, quiet time and time to sit my ass in a chair and write is not just crucial, but where I find balance and peace.


SPOTLIGHT | Stephanie Hayes-Clark

Stephanie Hayes - Clark is Salon owner and Hair Stylist of Urban Hair and was introduced to me by my dearest friend Jasmine.  Not only do I absolutely love the atmosphere of Urban Hair, I love Stephanies presence and genuine heart.  No matter where I am at, Stephanie has a way of creating space for connecting and being oneself.  

How would you describe yourself?

I'm an optimist ... that's all I can say, every day , all day, I find good in everything. Being anything but is just a waste of time and energy. Life is to short not to be. Don't get me wrong I do have my cranky days, but they don't last long!

What role does creativity play in your life?

I would not be where I am today if I wasn't creative. My job and business depend on me being creative. Being a hair stylist allows me to channel my artistic side through every client that I do whether It be a simple haircut to a total transformation. Being able to make someone beautiful and make them smile , is how I've learned to grow into the self confident woman I am today.

What are you currently working on?

Well my life is about to change drastically . My only daughter is graduating high school and moving away to go to college, so right now I'm working on not crying everyday ( just kidding). I watch a lot of webinars which help me learn and they offer me inspiration into my business. Right now I'm concentrating on helping my daughter prepare for a new chapter in her life and my life. It's a learning experience for both of us!

What was the last book/movie/podcast etc. that left an impression on you?

The Shack!!! I'm not a very religious person but this movie /book touched my heart in so many ways. To see how the character is so withdrawn and full of hate and then is guided by this woman to see the real meaning of his life and how a tragedy can bring such a transformation is beyond inspirational.

What advice would you give to other creatively driven people?

Stay focused and stay on the path that you want to be on. Don't let anyone sway you from where you want to be in life. Learn from your mistakes, make frequent goals for yourself and learn how to achieve them. Don't be afraid to ask For help, but remember they are your goals and only you can turn them into reality ! Oh and one more thing , take pride in what you do, learn to be self confident and never give up on your journey through life.

SPOTLIGHT | Annika Borg

I first met Annika while we were co-teaching theatre to a group of children through Neptune Theatre.  We crossed paths again during Women in Film & Television - Atlantic New Waves workshop series.  Annika has always struck me with her insightful questions, presence and depth.  She has a wicked sense of humour that is complimented with a beautiful tenderness.

How would you describe yourself?

I have two speeds. Total neat freak or complete slob; health obsessed or sitting around for days eating nachos; that kind of thing. I've rarely been in a happy medium between the two and that's something I'm trying to work on. 

What role does creativity play in your life?

I believe that as humans, creativity is our life blood. I can't imagine a world in which I can't play and that is what creativity is; it's playing, it's exploring, it's discovering. All of these elements are important as an actor, to allow yourself to be vulnerable and let your imagination run free. 

What are you currently working on?

After being an on again/off again actor for the past several years I have decided to give it 100 percent and see what happens. It's been thrilling, yet so grounding to feel this renewed sense of focus and self-awareness that I don't think I've ever felt quite as strongly in my whole life. It's so exciting to see this part of myself and I'm looking forward to seeing where it takes me.

What was the last book/movie/podcast that left an impression on you?

The Girls by Emma Cline. It's a thinly veiled fictional retelling of the Manson Family from the perspective of a young girl, Evie, who is welcomed into the inner circle. It's beautifully written and though I have no personal experience with cults of any kind, Evie's tale is incredibly relatable to any woman who was ever been a teenager. Cline articulates Evie's experiences and emotions in a way that adds depth to an otherwise trivialized time in a woman's life. Would recommend to all.

What advice would you give to other creatively driven people?

Try, try, try and suck. This has been a tough one for me to learn and I still struggle with it daily. To start writing the answers to these questions I had to stop censoring myself before I even began to type! When I remember that I don't have to be spectacular when performing, I just have to do my best, it really takes the pressure off. I've heard it so many times, perfectionism kills creativity. When we put these crazy, unrealistic expectations on ourselves to be something that really nobody is, it doesn't allow for the wonderful, unexpected discoveries that we can make about ourselves and our art.

SPOTLIGHT | Megan Piercey Monafu

Megan and I met in High School where we bonded over our love for theatre, writing and our little posse of friends.  Megan not only has developed her passion for theatre and writing into her professional adult life, she is a living example of what being a woman dedicated to the love of her craft is.  She is passionate, and stays true to herself and that has been and still is something that moves me.  Make sure to check out CSArt Ottawa and anytime she has work in your area.

How would you describe yourself?

I’m a playwright. I also like to write non-fiction. I’m a theatre director. I also started a small art business called CSArt Ottawa, which I guess makes me an entrepreneur. I’m a creative facilitator who specializes in adapting drama activities to diverse settings and groups.

This is a hard question. There are so many ways I would like to describe myself. I’m a person who, through profession, curiosity, and luck, has ended up in many very interesting rooms with fascinating groups of people. Businesspeople, statespeople, politicians, government workers, artists, activists, academics, people with disabilities, people who work in social services, faith leaders of different religions. Very rich people and very poor people, people with a huge amount of privilege and people who are severly underprivileged. I end up in very interesting conversations, and I switch hats a lot. I like to think of my artistic work as a condensation of these experiences, as a poetry that comes through me from the accumulation of the stories I hear and witness.

But that’s probably not the whole truth. It’s only poetry on the very best rare occasions. I end up writing about myself a lot more than I intend to. In some ways, you are only really writing about yourself.

What role does creativity play in your life?

It’s everything I do that is in any way worthwhile. Loving takes creativity. Getting up in the morning and finding a way to make yourself useful in the world takes a huge amount of creativity.

What are you currently working on?

I am writing a play right now inspired by my experiences working in social housing. It is my MFA thesis, due in 3 weeks(!). I am sure it won’t be truly finished for a while though… the theme is help, and how complicated it is to give and receive help. It takes a long time to think it through… I’m looking forward to taking a break from it because it makes me sad to sit down and write it, every time. Once it’s passed in, I’m going to go back to writing my play about virtual reality and the corporate tech world, because reading and writing about the crazy VR/AR technology and AI stuff going down right now makes me happy.

I’m also working on getting the second season of CSArt Ottawa launched! That’s a completely different creative task, curating and producing other people’s work. I’m enjoying it even more than I thought I would. It’s quite satisfying to find artists I believe in, give them resources for their work, and promote them. There’s very little ego in it for me, just the joy of gathering people and showing work.

And I recently took a day job in pursuit of a ‘parallel career’, a place to use my skills in other worthwhile ways while also taking the financial pressure off of my art work. I think there’s a real stigma around artists having day jobs; that it’s somehow an admission of defeat, or that your work suddenly becomes a hobby rather than a vocation. I think that’s terribly unfair. I have no regrets. I’m working with cool people on a cool project, learning new things, meeting new people. It is having a positive effect on my art work and my life.

What was the last book/movie/podcast etc. that left an impression on you?

I’m over halfway through reading The Idiot by Fyodor Doestoyevski. I had to stop for a while because it was breaking my heart.

It’s amazing that a 46-year-old Russian man from the late-1800s wrote something that a 27-year-old Canadian woman now can feel so connected to. That’s magic. It gives me hope right now when to me the world feels like it’s going to fall apart at any moment. I read the news almost every day, and then I read novels as an antidote to hopelessness.

What advice would you give to other creatively driven people?

Find your people. Collaborators whose work you believe in, and who believe in your work, are incredibly valuable. Honour those relationships.

It doesn’t matter how much money you make from your work, only how much heart you put into it, how hard you work on making it as perfect as possible, how much you try to learn, how honest you are with yourself, and how well this all connects with other people.

SPOTLIGHT | Tasia Craig
Tasia Craig 2016.

Tasia Craig 2016.

Tasia and I have known each other for six years and over that time I have watched her work develop and grow and have loved it in it's entirity.  She has one of those laughs that makes you laugh along with her.  Here are her words on herself, creativity and beyond.  TAISA CRAIG WEBSITE

1. How would you describe yourself?

Passionate. I’m a whole heart in, everything or nothing, kind of gal. I don’t know how to do things without meaning. If it has no meaning to me I have a hard time forcing myself to do it. I spent many years wishing I were more robotic, because that’s easier and more efficient, but I have learned that life to the fullest is a life with highs and lows and feelings and messiness and emotions.

2. What role does creativity play in your life?

I was raised by an incredibly creative woman who saw budgets and meal plans just as much a creative endeavour as her weekend projects. And I am in love with a man who is an incredible artist but does not identify as creative, but rather as hard working. I dance on that line of believing every task in life is a creative pursuit and yet realizing that creativity ultimately is achieved by simply putting in hard work. Life, to me, is a series of challenges and puzzles, games that can be trudged through to “mediocre” or can be approached from every possible angle until one unique solutions feels more right than the others. This is true for me solving a math problem or designing an object. I have to explore and that is both creativity and mundanity in one.

3. What are you currently working on?

I am currently working on designing and making a line of small household objects. It is fun and exhausting and full of trial and error like any creative pursuit. It involves doing it wrong as many times as I need to before I do it well enough. There will always be a way it could be better and as I learned all too deeply in architecture school: nothing is ever done, there is just “done enough.” I’m not there yet with this line, though I expected to be by now. Other than the housewares, I work on smaller things like a blog, design projects, and dream up wild and crazy schemes with you, Amy.

4. What was the last book/movie/podcast etc. that left an impression on you?

The person of Cheryl Strayed. Her book Tiny, Beautiful Things is my devotional. Her words make life make sense and I consult them often. I also recently rewatched her Super Soul Sunday episode and was reminded that her life was simultaneously as tiny as struggling to pay bills and as huge as have a national best seller and being on Oprah. She balances the absurdities of life in a raw way and it really speaks to me. Also Abstract on Netflix, beyond being fascinating I think it is a designer’s paradise to soak in how different disciplines approach design. All of it is useful and applicable to our own practices. We are more alike than we are different.

5. What advice would you give other creatively driven people?

Only pursue the things that make you happy, because life is too short to be an accountant if you hate numbers or a painter if what you really prefer is sculpture. Money, or fame, or stability are useless if you are not in love with your life. You only get one, fall in love with its past, its present, and its future possibilities. Love is a choice and is worth it, work hard to stay in love because being creative isn’t exclusive to people who recognize their creativity. I believe everyone is creative, some have just been blessed enough to embrace and pursue it. Remember to love that.

SPOTLIGHT | Lindsay Umlah

Lindsay and I met almost two years ago through her sister who taught me how to Swing Dance many years ago now.  Lindsay and I share the same passion for a balanced and whole lifestyle and featuring her this month is a pleasure! Her passion and joy is infectious. Catch more of her here:

1. How would you describe yourself? 

It's always so strange to try and describe yourself, but I find as a creative, and especially as en entrepreneur it's a constant request, and something that I've had to get quite good at. I'm a fiercely driven, wildly passionate, wholeheartedly authentic, and fiery woman on an empowerment mission. I live life freely, boldly and unapologetically in a constant desire to inspire others to do the same. I'm deeply rooted in my core desires, which can result in me coming on quite strong and confident. I've spent a lifetime building a relationship with myself, which gives me a firm foundation to stand upon, as I connect and reach others through my work.

I'm a wild hearted warrior, natural leader, freedom seeker, magic believer, badass mama, nutrition geek, and yoga goddess. 

2. What role does creativity play in your life?

Creativity not only allows me to be in constant connection with myself, through play, work and life, but it also provides me opportunities to deeply connect to the world and those around me. As an entrepreneur I have to rely heavily on my creativity, it's the bread and butter of my business. From creating daily content that can meaningfully connect with my audience, to speaking engagements, class and workshop development, to writing content for programs. It's intertwined in each aspect of my business, and it allows me the freedom to show up in this beautifully authentic and true way, that speaks profoundly to who I am and what I have to offer.

I also find myself flexing my creative muscles daily when it comes to my daughter. Having a little mind that's being shaped before your eyes encourages you to bring out your inner wild child and tap into your creative genius. Be it coming up with new games or ways to play, exploring arts and crafts, or tactfully coming up with creative ways to navigate the fast approaching terrible twos, it's always coming in handy.

3. What are you currently working on?

I'm working on heaps of things right now, from piecing together exciting workshops and collaborations, speaking and education events with my Healthy Halifax Tribe, continuously creating fun and exciting new yoga flows, and a few new freebies for my Instagram crew, I'm definitely not at a lack of creative projects. That being said the thing that I'm most excited about is the work that I'm currently creating and piecing together for my Loving Myself Loudly Yoga Retreat. This has been a longtime dream of mine, and I vibrate with excitement even just thinking about it. Crafting the most impactful, magical, soul nourishing week, for a group of 15 people ready to make massive changes towards developing a loving relationship with self. Seriously my life's work right here. Also who doesn't love an excuse to travel to exotic places? 

4. What was the last book/movie/podcast etc that left an impression on you? 

This will probably be a strange answer, and I could easily dive into the traditional nuggets like Danielle LaPorte, or Gabrielle Bernstein, which are always soul nourishing and life altering, but the latest thing that I watched that left a massive impression was actually A Chefs Table. 

It's no secret that I'm a total food addict, and I adore watching anything and everything to do with food, but this particular documentary series takes it to a whole new level. It's not only wildly fascinating as they introduce you to a chef, their story and how/why they've pieced together the menu that they have, but it's some of the most beautifully shot film I've ever seen. There's something so captivating about slipping into the mind and passion of a chef, and watching them put that raw passion and heart into a dish. Seeing and hearing the stories of what they've overcome to get where they are, and how the truer they were to themselves the more impact they've been able to make. I just find the whole series wildly inspiring, and definitely drool worthy. 

5. What advice would you give to other creatively driven people? 

Stop thinking and start feeling your way through it! I find so many of us get caught up in the logistics that we can lose sight of why we do what we do. The more rooted and connected we can be with why we choose to create, and allow ourselves to flow from that, the more magic we can create in this world.

SPOTLIGHT | Ellie Knaus

I have listened to Ellie on her podcast 'Atomic Moms' ever since I gave birth to my daughter almost two years ago.  This woman is the real deal.  She is everything real, raw and fun.  Ellie and I have been in touch off and on over the past two years and I have always enjoyed how she is consistently herself and a grounded human being.  Find Ellie and her work : on iTunes & the Atomic Moms Website

How would you describe yourself?

My toddler would describe me as her personal assistant, my husband would call me his "manic pixie" pain in the butt, and I would describe myself as a sloppy perfectionist.  (But hey, aren't there studies out there saying that messy types are more creative?) I have to admit I spend a lot of time in negotiations with my critical thoughts, or what I like to call the Tribunal of A**holes in my mind.  And as much as I struggle with self-judgment, I am extremely empathetic towards others.  I am learning to accept that I'm definitely at my worst when I'm "over-prepared" and at my best when all my ducks aren't in a row, when I just have to let my instincts kick in.  Also, I'm pretty goofy and I laugh a lot. 

What role does creativity play in your life?

Excuse me while I get melodramatic for a moment: without creativity, WHAT IS THE POINT?!!! Creativity is the magic of life.  I love creating my podcast every week but never have I ever had to be more creative than in my role as mother.  When you forget to bring diaper wipes on a cross-country flight, you've got to get creative.  When it's been raining for three days straight and you're home with a kid who can't read yet and who shouldn't watch hours of television, you've got to get creative.  When you realize that you've been so consumed by the other creative aspects of your life that you haven't gone to the grocery store and now you have to pack a school lunch at 11pm, you get creative.  

What are you currently working on?

I'm in the middle of researching, recording, and editing our upcoming episodes of Atomic Moms Podcast.  On the show, we explore the joys and complexities of caring for our children and ourselves.  I interview best-selling authors, parenting experts, and moms around the world.  It's really important to me that each show feels fresh and honest.  Celebrating the messiness of motherhood is a very big deal to me.  And our international tribe of mom listeners keep us accountable.  If it were just up to me, I'd spend my whole life writing and never showing anyone any of it.  It's imperative that I be accountable to others and have a deadline.  That's when I'm most creative.  

What was the last book/movie/podcast etc. that left an impression on you?

I have a New York Times magazine clipping taped to my desk that I'll slap on a vision board if I ever get around to making one.  Sarah Jessica Parker says: "I have always loved to read for the same reason I love to act, which is that other people's stories are more interesting than my own."  While I think there is enormous value in exploring one own's story, this quote always propels me forward when I'm feeling a bit self conscious about sharing on the podcast.  It reminds me that the process of creation is so much bigger than any one of us.  And it reminds me of the Meisner acting technique:  "Put your attention on the other person."  When we do that, in acting, or in conversation, we drop our self-consciousness and end up revealing a much more authentic part of ourselves in the process. 

What advice would you give to other creatively drive people? 

Fill your creative tank every single day.  Befriend artists in different creative fields.  Some of us "creatively driven" types are so damn serious.  Use every excuse you have to PLAY.  And take more showers than is good for the environment...That's where I get my best ideas. 


Spotlight | Channing Lai

Channing Lai is my husbands cousin.  I have met her only once in person and have adored following her spirit and growing energy for life via social media.   

How would you describe yourself?

Fairly easy going person that loves to travel, experience outdoors, and live life to the fullest. The saying of “you only live once” is way too overused, but I really believe that life is too short, and the Earth is too beautiful to not try to experience it to the fullest.

What role does rock climbing play in your life?

Probably a bigger part of it than I would like to admit. Actually, I was pretty inactive and unfit before I found rock climbing. Rock climbing has led me to be much more outgoing (climbing a great way to meet people), outdoorsy and its a great way to combine it with my love of travelling. Also, it is an activity that me and my husband do together so it’s a good bonding time.

What are you currently working on/aiming/preparing for?

Enjoying life. It has been good to me, I plan on living it to the fullest while I am still able to.

What was the last book/movie that left an impression on you?

Channing Lai

Channing Lai

I recently finished “A strangeness in my mind” by Orhan Pamuk , and it narrates a traditional Turkish yogurt street seller life as he struggles to maintain a small business selling traditional food through the modernisation and changing tastes of Turkey. This book really brings home the pace of modernisation; every time I travel to China, I am shocked at the changes that has occurred since my last visit and saddened by the loss of traditionalism and rural life. But one cannot lament too much on the loss of the traditional way of life, as modernisation must no doubt be more comfortable, life must move forward, and we humans must adapt or lose out on the game of life. (So don’t wait until tomorrow to travel and see the world, because who knows if it will be there in 10 years!)

What advice would you give to other outdoor/creatively driven people?

Don’t be afraid to try new things. Even if you end up not enjoying it, at least you have tried it. And it you do enjoy it, then it is all the better.

SpotlightAmy LaiComment
Spotlight | Nicole Payzant
Nicole Payzant | Photographer

Nicole Payzant | Photographer

I met Nicole as a child and we rekindled a friendship in our early twenties.  Nicole is one of the most lovely women I know.

1.How would you describe yourself?

I am a lover of love... and maker of things. 
There enters wedding photography. 
I am introverted... a bit of a hermit, even... a proper cat lady even at 26. 

2. What role does creativity play in your life?

Since I was a child I have been labeled with the word "creative". I think that label has evolved in my lifetime. 

My mother is a creative. She thrives on making and creating. In my home, tole painting, scrap booking, puzzles, cake decorating, and other crafts were a normal sight. I remember painting with shaving cream on the bare kitchen table as a young child. It has always been a part of who I am, and what "play" is for me. I've never known anything different. 

To many people, "creative" was a way of saying "artistic". 
In THAT context, it became both a source of pride and also pressure to perform. I think it still is. I was good at creating because as with everything I gave it my full attention. My desire to excel meant I continued pushing my abilities. There became an expectation, a standard, that I had to meet--or surpass--before I'd be happy with a project. 

In the last couple of years, with "the creatives", I am reclaiming the label of "creativity". Removing the pressure. Focusing on the pull towards creative play. 

Even if it is simply colouring with crayons. Learning to crochet a scarf. Teaching myself basic embroidery. 

3. What are you currently working on?

Professionally, I am finishing up my 2016 season with a few engagement sessions for next years' couples. I will have a few weeks before picking up the camera again.. I'm looking forward to that break. 

I have also been creating a list of little things to make and do this November/December, for the sole purpose of bringing me creative joy... recharging my batteries. 

I'm going to try making my own air-dry clay. And figure out some outdoor winter decor on a budget. 

Also baking. I am making Christmas baking happen this year. 

4. What was the last book/movie that left an impression on you?

I am not much of a reader anymore... but Eat, Pray, Love. Read on my trip to Sri Lanka this past April. Would read again. 

5. What advice would you give to other creatively driven people?

I don't feel comfortable advising just anyone, as each persons experience is different. But I can share advice I have learned or been told over the last six years:

Keep making. 

If making feels like work, (as will happen when you are a professional creator), try something new. Make room for creative play. Even if it is just colouring in front of the t.v. 

Be conscious of the expectations you set on yourself, and their validity. Use  expectations to drive you--not crush you. 

Learn to say no, and be selective in your creative projects so you are still able to find joy in what you are doing.  I have kept my waitressing job on the side, so I am able to be more selective in what I take on as a photographer. 

"Comparison is the thief of joy". 


Spotlight | Connie Snider

Connie Snider | Swing Dancer addict, Blues Dance Lover

I met Connie during my first year of swing dance lessons in 2011/2012, she continues to inspire with her enthusiasm and outlook on life.  

1)  How would you describe yourself? 

I was once described as "plugged in" now this is how I see myself! 'Plugged into life!'

2) When did you start dancing and what made you stick with it?

I started dancing after being out to an event where DSDS (Dalhousie Swing Dance Society) showed up, after seeing those dancers on the floor and seeing the joy it brought to their faces I HAD to learn it! That was 5 years ago.

3)  What are the types of dancing you do and why do you enjoy those styles?

I do several dance styles but my love of blues dancing prevails all others right now, I think it is the music for this style that I love and the connection with my partners. I love Lindy Hop as well and do a lot of Jive with older partners.

4) I have a clear memory of first meeting you at a dance class and enjoying your enthusiasm for it.  How do you maintain that enthusiasm?

Maintaining enthusiasm is so easy for me as I LOVE to dance and share the love of it!  I stated above about taking time to nourish other things, it also helps me to maintain my enthusiasm for sure. If I am away from dance for even a week or more when I step back on the dance floor I can say to myself ahhhh this is why I love it!

5) You are a major advocate for the social dance communities in Halifax and have held leadership roles with the Dalhousie Swing Dance Society.  How has being involved grown your appreciation for dance?

I think my appreciation has grown mainly due to the fact I see the power dance has...the power to bring such joy to people that may need joy in their lives. From students struggling to make financial ends meet or dealing with studies and being away from home, to adults that have not been socially accepted into groups in the past. I have had more than one person tell me dance has saved their lives, I am not kidding. We sometimes forget the power it has.

6) The dancing scene continues to evolve and change each year.  What is it like right now?

Right now the dance scene in Halifax is exploding, we can dance different styles as many nights a week as we choose. I have seen this in other cities and when talking with the organizers there have been told to be careful of burnout. We all know there is only so much money to go around and life and other things effect how much we get to dance.  Time to nourish other things in life is important too, lets not forget that. Also important is to remember we are all dancers, be kind to each other and be respectful.

7) What are you learning/working on right now?

Right now I am working on selling my house and looking for my next home. A little secret (I am also planning on trying a bit of Salsa!! shhhh) 

8) Do you have any morning/night routines that centre you?

I do not really have routines that center me other than speaking with my amazing daughter daily, my morning coffee (a must), making time to read a really good book...the kind that you have to turn the pages. I am never far from one.  My daily strength training is also a must.

9)  At the end of the day, what drives you?

At the end of the day it is the feeling it gives me that drives me. It keeps me fit and happy!

10) If you were to pass on any advice/knowledge/wisdom to other dancers/creatives, what would you want to say?

Wisdom...hummm not sure I am qualified to voice an opinion here  but first and foremost my advise is to welcome and dance with new dancers. I have had so many dancers tell me that having me dance with them in the beginning or on the first few nights, and make them feel welcome has given them the courage to come back. So, seasoned dancers you just do not know how you can be effecting someones dance future by doing this. It is so easy to just dance with those you are comfortable with or love to dance with...but remember the amazing dancers we have had in our group, they all started as a new dancer trying it for the first time. Just set aside two dances each night...invite a newbie on the floor! 


SpotlightAmy LaiComment
Spotlight | Jasmine Alexander

Jasmine is my nearest and dearest.  Over countries and time we continue to maintain the bestie thing.

1) How would you describe yourself?

 Hi! I am an artist, a mover, a lover, a teacher and a learner. 

2) Currently, what is your medium of choice?

Watercolor, gouache, ink have been my go-to since I started travelling 2 years ago. When the resources are available to me, I work in oil paint and dabble in clay. Oh, and dance and movement. 

3) I have watched your art develop over the years of our friendship, how do you see your art evolving in the future?

I have learned since graduating that attempting to define my work according to what I feel it should be only results in inauthenticity and ruts. I can have future goals that I apply myself to, but I think the work can only be what it is in that space and time. I want my work to reflect my surroundings and to evoke dialogue, internal or external. As a painter I’m always looking for something unexpected and raw and I can only hope that the future continues to bring out new ideas and new conversations. 

4) Right now you are in Korea, how has Korean culture influenced you?

I’m so infatuated by South Korea’s landscape, it is so rich and diverse. Korea is a communal culture, they are big on sharing here which I love. I feel like I won’t know how my current surroundings are influencing me until much later when it comes to my work. I think so often we prematurally claim how something affects us, but it is only in retrospect that we can see how we are influenced. 

5)  At the end of the day, what drives you?

I’m driven by incessant curiosity, but also by a desire to explore relationship through art and making. The relationships between us and nature, spirit realm, other people, the material world. I believe that people are creative beings by nature, and there is nothing more honest and powerful than agreeing to commit to that individual creativity and process. My partner once said to me “You want to set the world on fire, and you will.” and that has always stuck with me about the “why” in art. I think in some way or another, I want to create little sparks and see what will happen. 

6) What are you working on right now?

In the midst of a demanding day job, I’m currently doing a small challenge for myself to draw/paint everyday for the month of June.  I have an mini illustrative series called The Lifelines that has been on a hiatus since I moved to Korea, but it is ongoing. I have just started teaching an art program here in Korea called Hands On that I built from the ground up… which I’ll have to update you on once it unfolds! And there may be a project in the works with my radiant best friend, but more on that later. ;) 

7) Do you have any morning/night routines that centre you?

I’m a big breakfast and coffee person. I believe in the ritual of breakfast before your day takes off. I try to workout once a day, and I have to wash my face before bed. Besides that, I love when each day is slightly different than the last. I switch it up. 

8) If you were to pass on any advice/knowledge/wisdom to other creative seeking spirits, what would you want to say?

Stay compassionate, stay open, be curious. And remember, no matter what, there is always something more in you to make. Fitting in is overrated. 

9) You were and still are a member of 'The Creatives' group that meets here in Halifax, what kept you coming back every month? 

Besides the fact that those women rock the ground I stand on and keep me sane? I think we’d be so lost without other artists and creatives to do life with, especially as women. The art world, like the rest of the world, is largely still run by men and knowing there are strong, gutsy, intelligent women you can call on is imperative. I’m so excited for our reunion! 

10) You are doing a project this month (June) can you tell us more about it? 

Sure! I started doing a drawing-a-day type challenge this month to jumpstart my priorities and my creative headspace. Moving and working in Korea has been such a whirlwind, and my art process definitely suffered. And of course at the end of the day, no one is going to pick up the brush or pen for me. So I knew that I had to get back into making, no matter how big or small. Loose guidelines: post the drawing on social media, even if I hate it. Be open to sudden shifts in subject matter and unexpected directions. Don’t take yourself too seriously, there’s more making in you.

Spotlight | Breanne Bandur

Breanne and I originally met through our mutual friend, Jasmine Alexander.  So many times I was told, 'you'll love her!'  When the Creative Meet Ups started I didn't realize what an impact this woman would have on me.  Her inspiration, depth and creativity has fuelled not just me, but many others.  If I was to describe her, I would say: "She's the one with the charcoal in her hands and the twinkle in her eyes..."

1) How would you describe yourself?

I am a person.  A woman.  An artist.  I am a maker, a doer, a thinker, a feeler.

2) Currently, what is your medium of choice?

My medium of choice is charcoal. I’m in the process of experimenting with mixed media; Oil and acrylic paint, pastels, coloured charcoals, coloured pencils, graphite. Still, charcoal does seem to consistently find its way into my work. When the resources are available, printmaking is another medium I work in.

3) When we first met, I was struck by your ability to be down to earth and yet still maintain a high respect for your art and work. How do you keep your creative work important while also staying lighthearted?

It is far too easy to feel the weight of your work, and become apprehensive about your practice; Creativity is not a clearly defined road. Bruce Mau’s “An Incomplete Manifesto for Growth” has become a go-to resource and constant reminder to “be willing to grow,” “forget about good,” “love [my] experiments (as [I] would an ugly child)” and that “process is more important than outcome.”

4) At the end of the day, what drives you?

It is the process of creating the work that drives me. The studio is church; It is here I am able to spend time with myself, and both see and converse with myself in different ways; On paper, reflected on a canvas, through scattered thoughts in a sketchbook. To quote Bruce Mau again, “If process drives outcome we may not know where we’re going, but we will know we want to be there.”

5) What are you working on right now?

I am currently working on how to fit my art practice into my life outside of the institution. I recently finished my studies, and am learning routine and discipline that are somehow a little more straight-forward to manage while in art school, and surrounded by the support of other artists and peers. I am learning to find the value in my work in the midst of a society that reinforces the idea that what artists do has little value; I am learning to let that belief in what I do drive my practice. My goal right now is to continue making and working on my current body of work with the same intensity as I would within the institution. I am working on solidifying my practice under new circumstances.

6) Do you have any morning/night routines that centre you?

Establishing routine is part of my working towards this goal. A struggle I’ve noticed is flipping the switch “off” of work mode, and “on” to art mode. An approach I've taken to is gently remind myself when it's studio time. I do this by setting aside sufficient time for myself, going to my little studio space, and easing myself into my personal creative space either by playing an instrument, reading something related or unrelated to my practice, or journalling. Eventually, I end up at a piece of paper, canvas, or in my sketchbook.

7) If you were to pass on any advice/knowledge/wisdom to other creative seeking spirits, what would you want to say?

Make. Always keep making.

8) You have lived in various parts of Canada, as an artist which places have inspired you the most?

I’ve been fortunate enough to live, study, and make work over much of Eastern Canada. Everywhere has had something a little bit different to offer and has contributed to my work in different ways. I attended an artist residency at The Banff Centre in November 2015, and it was the first time in my years of making that I felt and saw shifts in my work corresponding directly to my environment around me. I truly fell in love with the mountains, and can say they had a direct impact on the work I was making at the time. The rest of Canada that I’ve spent time in have been places I’ve resided in, and so they’ve influenced my work for different reasons. Those influences tend to be more related to people than a place. I am very fortunate to have strong support systems of family, friends, and mentors in Ontario, Quebec, and Nova Scotia. “The Creatives” is among those.

9) You were and still are a member of 'The Creatives' group that meets here in Halifax, what kept you coming back every month? 

“The Creatives” is not only a kind of support system to me, but a group of some of my very close friends. “The Creatives” is made up of a group of unique and inspiring women. They are people with whom I can relate, but still, everyone comes from different places and offering varying life experiences, insight, and perspective. The women who participate in “The Creatives” are so much of what makes the group what it is. It is a safe place to come together with people of similar interests, aspirations, struggles, and discuss these things. Without fail, every month, I leave the group feeling hopeful and inspired. The connection and sense of community I feel with these women is a large part of what keeps me coming back.

10) You have had your work in various shows, what have you learned from those experiences?

Shows are great experiences - they serve as wonderful opportunities to share your work with the public, and create discourse surrounding it. They are also helpful in receiving different feedback to take back to the studio. Shows are exciting, and leave me proud, humbled, and motivated. It feels as though they mark different chapters in my art practice, and so encourage and propel me forward to continue to make new work.

SpotlightAmy LaiComment
Spotlight | Danielle Doiron

Danielle and I met in 2014 while we attended the Pre Professional Training Program at Neptune Theatre in Halifax, Nova Scotia.  She is vibrant, stylish and someone I now call a dear friend.  She lives in Toronto now and keeps my feed alive with her adventures.


Actor|Singer|Fashion Blogger

How would you describe yourself? 

Oh man....well, I’m someone who is very giving, and I like to do things for other people.  I’m determined.  I’m strong.  I’m funny and strange, and weird (in a good way!).  I like to be goofy.  Sometimes I can be shy and anxious too.  I think a lot of people don’t realize that about me at first.  Well, maybe the shy part, but not the anxious part.  I’m a small girl, with big dreams!

How has creativity manifested itself in your everyday? 

I’ve definitely found over the years that creativity is a way for me to centre myself.  If I’m feeling stressed, or tired, or even excited.  Being creative is a good way for me to express myself.  A couple years ago I read the book The Artist Way and it really changed the way I view creativity.  I find a big thing for me is giving myself the time to be creative.  I get cranky if I don’t have enough time to express myself.  

Currently, you are in Toronto, what is the atmosphere like there?

So far people have been pretty amazing here.  I’m lucky because I have some friends from Halifax, and a lot of friends from when I used to live in Montreal who now live in Toronto too.  So they’ve kinda taken me under their wing, which I really appreciate.  I’ve heard that it takes a year, and I’ve heard it takes two years, and some people say they are just feeling like they are getting a handle of the city after five years.  I’m excited.  There is so much happening here.  I’m constantly overhearing conversations in the street or just while I’m out, of other performers talking about shows they are doing.  I like to listen and see if I can learn anything from their experiences.  There are tons of open mics and the improv scene is INSANE!  So, so good!  So far the improv community has been really welcoming to me too, so I really appreciate that.  There’s definitely higher stakes here, but I like that.  I like that there is room to grow.

You became such a dear and solid friend during our year in the Neptune Theatre Pre Professional Training Program. In reflection on that year together what is your take away from what they provided us there? 

Awe, thanks girl!  You are very dear to me too!  I was certainly grateful having you there along for that ride!  PPTP really taught me a lot about how to prepare, how to be there for myself as an artist.  I was working a part-time job at the time, but it was really the first time that I just got to focus my energy just on acting and performance and creativity.  It was such a blessing.  I’m so grateful to have had that time to just be.  On the first day, and you might remember this, Chuck, the school director talked to our class and said, “you will never get time like this again.  Don’t F*** it up!”  and that always stuck with me.  It was so great to have that time, to grow and just be.  The first semester was all about process, not product and that was a real switch for me.  A lightbulb moment I guess, because it really taught me that it’s important to try things, and make mistakes and just to spend time on doing and exploring, rather than trying to make it perfect the very first time.  

Can we just reflect on how crazy it was that we were two of three girls in a class full of young guys?? What are your thoughts on how gender played a role in that year. 

Omg...yes, that was very unexpected!  Again, it’s such a blessing that you and me and Sarah got along!  In some ways I feel our class was less competitive...but who knows if that would have changed had there been more girls in the class.  I found it a big harder to get to know the other classmates initially.  But in the end, I love those guys so much!  I know we didn’t really have any drama, which was awesome!

You have played various roles in your acting career thus far, which has been your favourite? 

Ooo good question!  It’s hard to say.  A stand-out for me is probably the roles I played in Spring Awakening, the musical.  At first, I was disappointed because I wanted more singing roles, but in the end, I had such a blast playing those characters.  It was the first time I really played adult characters too.  I played Fraulein Knuppledick, Frau Gabor and shared the role of Fraulein Grossebustenhalter.  I just remember not wanting the run of the play to end.  I wish I could have kept playing those roles for sure.  It was fun because all three characters were so different and we really had room to play around and find the characters.

Your Fashion Blog continues to inspire me, how did fashion and personal style become one of your mediums? 

Haha, thanks girl!  Apparently I used to dress myself pretty crazy as a kid and my older sisters were always getting on my mom to not let me leave the house in what I was wearing, but she would just say that I liked what I was wearing.  I remember my sisters putting a very strong emphasis on matching haha.  But being a younger sister, I got a lot of hand-me downs.  So I’d get a lot of new to me clothes often, and there was usually pretty cool stuff because it was sometimes clothing meant for a slightly older age.  My mom is also a seasmstress, so she’d make us all clothes too!  We’d pick out a pattern and fabric, and she’d make something for us!  That was really cool!  Growing up I was in jr. High, getting my older sister’s clothes (who was in high school).  She had really good style and would lend me clothes or give me stuff that was sometimes barely worn!  

I think being one of 5 children, fashion just was another way for me to express myself and stand out a bit.  I didn’t always have a lot of money, so I’d have to search the sales racks and figure out how I was going to make several outfits from one top.  I also used to watch “What Not to Wear” with my dad!  He has really good style too!  So I learned about what sort of shapes look good depending on your body type/style.  

A big inspiration for me was when I spent a Summer living on exchange in Montreal when I was 17.  It was the first time I had a consistent job and I bought so many clothes!  The fashion in Montreal was and continues to be so inspiring to me.  Once I lived in Montreal again, I started to get inspired by vintage clothing, because you could often find it for cheap and it was well made.

So I guess it’s just my way to express myself.  And then after much peer pressure from you (jk!) I started the fashion blog.  Originally I didn’t think I was qualified, but then I realized that it can be whatever I want it to be and that I don’t have to know everything in order to do the blog and that I can just focus on what I do know and am interested in.  

Danielles Closet Blog

You were and still are a member of 'The Creatives' group that meets here in Halifax, what kept you coming back every month? 

Oh man, The Creatives are the best!  I miss them!  For me, I had a hard time coming back to Halifax.  Even though I was born there and grew up there, I moved away when I was 20, so moving back I didn’t know a lot of the community and I found it challenging at times to make friends.  I remember you inviting me to The Creatives wine night and I went, and immediately felt at home.  Everyone was so warm and welcoming.  And for me I really loved listening to the other women sharing their experiences and ups and downs with creativity and life and it was really great for me to have a place where I could talk openly and candidly about my struggleswhile feeling so much support!  And of course, then I became friends with most of the people in the group, so eventually it also became a place for me to see some awesome ladies who were now my friends!  It was really fun...oh and the wine and treats didn’t hurt either!

Do you have any morning or night routines that centre you? 

It comes and goes.  I love doing yoga in the mornings, but I go through stages of when I do it.  I’ll do it for a while, and then life will get busy and I’ll stop, then I’ll start doing it again.  The last few months I’ve been in such transit, I’d like to find a little more routine to my days. 

If you were to pass on any advice/knowledge/wisdom to other creative seeking spirits, what would you want to say?

Find your people!  Especially if you’re living in a new place, or starting a new creative endeavor.  You need people who will inspire you and who will be there for you on those tough days....and there will be tough days!  Listen to your gut and your intuition.  Go to events alone if you don’t have anyone to go with.  Introduce yourself.  Make stuff.  Remember, it’s just someone’s opinion.  My former acting coach used to say “You are stronger than you think you are!” and it’s so true!  Focus on what you want to do, not what everyone is telling you “you should do.”  GOOD LUCK!