LIFESTYLE | February 2020 Reads

In a month full of family ups and downs, I have been able to fit in these reads….

Winter | Melissa Harrison

An anthology of the winter season. Bits of writings on the atmosphere and feelings of winter. A lovely thing to pick up amidst a winter day.

The Beautiful No | Sheri Salata

I admit, it was the cover that got to me first. Once I realized that Sheri was also the executive producer of the Oprah Winfrey Show and this was her account, reflections and pushing forward post the Oprah show, I was sold. As a producer of various creative endeavours, hearing what other successful producers have learned in their lives is something I enjoy taking note of. It also doesn’t hurt that ‘The Beautiful No’ is also a great take on what self-reflection and one’s own unique journey can do for moving forward.

The Giver of Stars | Jojo Moyes

I waited months for this book to arrive to me after putting it on hold at my local library. It seemed fitting that it took ages to get to me. This book features a historical nod to a group of women in the 1930’s who maintained a traveling library on horseback to remote homes in their community. Along with the historical feature, it also gives room for the journeys and travails of women of that time frame. Jojo has a way of creating characters that are not only captivating but impossible to forget. This book made a hard week for me, so much easier with such beautiful characters to journey it with.

A Simple Favour | Darcey Bell

A psychological thriller staring a single mom of a young boy who is best friends with another mom who goes missing. What transpires in this book keeps the pages turning quickly and I was trying not to set it down the whole time I was reading it. A perfect summer or plane read. This also happens to be a film which I will be watching soon.

SPOTLIGHT | Rachel Bruch

Rachel Bruch

Songwriter, Performer, Music Educator / Therapist & Visual Artist

Rachel Bruch can be found using her vast musical skills in a broad spectrum of platforms and is learning to adjust and balance, raising her one-year-old daughter amidst it all.

Rachel seeks to remain grounded in her creative entrepreneurship and aims to find connections with others through the projects she pursues.

She also happens to carry a genuine and peaceful presence with her that enters into her conversations with others and the music she creates.





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LIFESTYLE | Quality Time & Connecting with Others
quality time.byamygrace

We are not always afforded the ease and simplicity that comes with arranging time together, but I have learned that quality time doesn’t have to be a large commitment with one another.

It can also be the simple things, that build up to so much more.


Simple, meaningful texts when you are thinking of someone in the midst of your busy day can do wonders for yourself and the other person. It’s not about trying to maintain a large amount of back and forth but when words are genuine, they have the ability to warm someone deeply.

Quick Meet Ups

Having a quick chat over the length of time it takes to consume a beverage is a perfect way to connect amidst the business. It doesn’t have to be long, but a simple way to get quality is to enjoy a quick drink and treat together and then go on with the rest of the day. Be it morning, mid day or evening.

Shared Activities

Doing something routinely with someone is a great way to connect on a deeper level. With my daughter during this winter season it’s learning how to read and skating. We often share in a treat of some sort after skating and it means so much to us to laugh and indulge together. With another friend it’s gushing over a book and television series, with an aunt it’s all things bookish.

Planning Ahead

Not everyone can plan ahead (parents of young children, care givers, anyone on call) but generally speaking, so many missed moments occur when we don’t plan ahead. Life will always have something trying to pull your attention away and to make the most out of things, planning ahead helps us to set aside time in advance and intentionally treasure the time we have together.

WORK | WIFT-AT Prep for Women Making Waves 2020

Women in Film and Television Atlantic's Women Making Waves conference is fast approaching.

Not only does the conference land on the weekend leading up to International Women's Day, but it's also the association's tenth anniversary.

Women Making Waves is special to me.

WMW. 2019. photo: Claire Fraser Photo video

WMW. 2019. photo: Claire Fraser Photo video

It's where I saw, felt and heard that writing for the film and television industry is possible. I have started describing my experience with WIFT-AT akin to an open door. I wasn't aware that it was there, but when I found it and attempted to step in, there was an instant acceptance and making room for the new. This conference also does this. It brings top-level professionals to the Maritimes and seeks to create unity, growth and conversation to the women who work here. For me, it succeeds every time.

In the lead up to this conference, everyone has been busy at work to prepare.

Especially the WIFT-AT executive board members. For myself, I have been advance interviewing a handful of the women flying in to give talks and workshops, seeking out silent auction donations, and committing to 'hosting/facilitating' different sessions.

During one of my recent interviews, it was pointed out to me how miraculous WIFT-AT is as an association. With only one paid staff, spanning and providing opportunities for four provinces, a yearly conference, a five-week crash course on the industry, and so much else, all for women in the film and television industry.

I have to admit,

I am proud to be serving on the board. To have a chance to find my place in the association, meet and interview the women who make our industry thrive and to learn as I go. It's an honour to be alongside these women who serve on the board, have created WIFT-AT to be what it is today and to continue to find my place in it.

Ways to Connect on Valentines Day

Valentines' Day isn't just a day for Lovers.

It's a day to express all forms of love.

With a Child

Meet them where they are at. Surprising our daughter with a book, a small toy and a tasty treat brings her delight. For us even more. Helping her give out her first batch of valentines to peers is also something when done thoughtfully can be so rewarding.

With a Friend

Little cards of appreciation in the mail, a date with a good friend for dessert are all small ways to express the love of friendship.

With a Parent

A phone call, a small note, a surprise visit for a hug. The love of a parent doesn't end once 'parenting' is done. They are often struggling with their lives just as much as we are.

With a Lover / Partner

A quiet exchange of something they noticed you like, sharing in the food you both enjoy, a conversation that flows easy and engaging in a shared loved activity.

With a Pet

A good cuddle, special treats, hugs and kisses, scratches where they like it best.

SPOTLIGHT | Jenna Oosterholt

Jenna Oosterholt


Jenna can be found running the Ville Caffeine Bar in downtown Halifax, N.S., while also harnessing her passion for people by working to bring an element of entertainment to those who frequent her establishment.

Jenna is enthusiastic about bringing others a unique take on coffee, community and foodservice and remains grounded by working on her entrepreneurial goals by reminding herself of her core values in creativity and people.

She also happens to carry unique energy that brings her closer to others and continues to propel her forward in all that she does.




LIFESTYLE | Family Film Nights

This year marks the first year that we are introducing our almost five-year-old to watching movies.

Growing up, my sister and I didn’t have Cable with the endless channels and tv shows to watch. What we did have were parents who curated and created an experience around watching films. VHS tapes were aplenty in our house and if there was a TV movie or Hallmark special on, my mother would take a VHS over to my grandparent’s house and get it taped so we could watch it later.

As a rule, growing up, we watched films together first. Usually, it was over a pizza, a special dinner or dessert. Some sort of treat (even if just a bowl of ice cream) and we would all share in the experience. Once we had all watched the film together we were free to re-watch on our own time, but always, as a rule, we watched movies together first. Bonding over stories, the comedy, and quotes of films became a love language for my family. (I can, if needed, quote the entirety of ‘The Emporer’s New Groove’ on demand.)

I adored that tradition and this year we start a version of it ourselves with Zoë. We haven’t watched many films with her until now, partly due to her personality not being ready and another, in part, knowing that she has her whole life to catch up on all things ‘screen related’.

This year we will be watching a new film with her a movie a month. 12 Movies in 2020.

So far we have watched:

JAN: Frozen
FEB: Lady and the Tramp


MAR: Mary Poppins

WORK | Characters & Everything They Aren't Telling You


They are my catnip in the story world.

One of my goals this year is to better delve into the world of character development. It seems like a natural part of the writing world, but it is also one of those intricate parts that have no end. Only they, the characters, can reveal to you who they are and what motivates them. Just like people, this takes longer than a short chat. One needs time and a refreshing beverage between them.

In the real world, people are in constant motion.

They have their ways, and they're why's. I find that as I watch them at a distance, I can see the glimmer of childhood pain that sits there behind their own eyes. See the way they tug at their collar with a self-conscious tick. A small gesture becomes something that informs the world on a subconscious level who they are.

Characters are reflections of who we are.

They should be more than just two dimensional. What makes a character succeed outside of one single scene and into multiple scenes is how multi-faceted they are. When we treat our characters as if they are real and vulnerable people, we create not just better plots, but a platform for real and raw human quality work.

Currently, I am practicing taking my characters and working on holding them with a new reverence and understanding. I am asking them the tough questions and working to hear them differently. New. Characters, just like people, have so much they aren't telling you.

Depending on who you are, you might need to pour another cup and listen awhile longer.

LIFESTYLE | January 2020 Reads


The 'Liv Constantines' duo second novel and I was less than enthused. It could be that their first collaboration in "The Last Mrs.Parish' blew me out of the water, that their second 'psychological thriller' couldn't match the truly amazing shake-up that their first novel gave.


This novel has me baffled. An imaginative take on the topic of inner and outer beauty. I highly recommend this novel and am reticent to share much as I think it's best without much knowledge. I can say that having the main character hide in a fat suit is a fascinating theme and concept to try to uncover.


This is turning out to be a pleasant chic noir starring a woman who desperately wants to get back with her ex-boyfriend. It's edgy without being outrageous and a page-turner in its delivery. I highly recommend it.


A well-written memoir about what it means to grow up Mormon in a very untraditional upbringing where the children raise themselves.


Slowly watching The Crown season two on Netflix has me thoroughly enjoying going through the first addition novel to give more insight into the first season and the real-life people and historical events that have inspired the show.


Just cracking open this book from the library to read a play. The Caretaker is one I have not read or seen.

Films / TV Shows of note:

Frozen - Such a fun film to watch and see our little enjoy for the first time

The Good Place - This comedy is coming to an end and we have found it such a thought-provoking series. Will be sad to see it end.

SPOTLIGHT | Jasmine Alexander
Jasmine Quote.jpg

Jasmine Alexander

Artist & Musician

Jasmine Alexander can be found using her passion for art and creativity in her work as an event coordinator for a downtown business improvement association, while also maintaining her studio practice as an oil, watercolor and gouache painter.

Jasmine is a strong believer in creativity being fuel for personal identity and expression and brings that value system into how she approaches her studio practice and community work.

She also happens to find humor in life easy and holds space for others tenderly while also encouraging them in their personal and creative lives.




Lifelines Instagram

LIFESTYLE | Rhythms & Routines of a Pre Schooler

This past Autumn, the beginning of pre-school was an adjustment of weekly colds, new friends and experiences.

Although I am sure we are not free from the colds from classmates, I am so thrilled to see that all of these new experiences have brought our little one, who is full of life, into a new sense of herself.

As she has been adjusting, so have I.

Learning how to capitalize on the time that we have apart and find what works with this new life while also realizing it is just a stepping stone into this coming Autumn when she begins her first year in Elementry School.

What We’ve Been Capitalizing On

Time Apart

While she has been in preschool, I have been embracing the time as admin hours. Catch up on emails, write up interviews, social media for work purposes and get the ball rolling for various projects. I have learned that although I am not able to dig into too many things during those hours, I can get a lot of things moving and addressed.


We have begun having meaningful playdates amidst the busy of life and learning what it means to create meaningful and caring friendships. Seeing the connection that has begun to grow between Zoë and one of her friends has brought so much joy and excitement into our lives.

Learning at Home

When at home we are doing our best to create space for her to freely play while also sneaking in some mindful learning. Some of the ways we do this are through a great gift from her Great Grandmother in the Kiwi Crate subscription package she is receiving now which sends you a package of learning and creative activities to do monthly. Learning to follow along with words and pick out / read the connecting words (to, a, and, the), watching a new film monthly, exploring music through playlists, piano, and her new Ukelele, etc.


Capitalizing on the weekends in what the season has to offer by exploring the farmers market, going out in the snow and making use of a gift we received in a year pass to the Discovery Centre in Downtown Halifax.

WORK | Brilliansea Update - Winter 2020

This week marks a year if running Brilliansea.

A year of seeking to create space for the voices of women. Women who are charting their paths, finding creativity in the corners of their lives, starting new ideas and businesses and creating brilliance where ever they go. 

A year of Brilliansea existing and telling us what it wants to be.


We work best when we honour the core values of Brilliansea. Creating space and a platform for the voices of women locally and beyond. It has been a year of many changes and events in our personal and professional lives. Learning to honour each other through these stages, while also running Brilliansea together has grown us and brought us back to the values of Brilliansea.


Entering into this new year, Claire and I will be focusing on continuing to curate and craft the spotlight interviews. We are working on making the group of women we gather for each interview filming session to be diverse, varied in age, mediums and life experience. We want to work on reflecting the immense sea of women we know to be out there. We are also honing in on the right next steps for creating our documentary project based on our short documentary. Along with those two big projects, we are excited to continue connecting with local creative and innovative women by hosting and creating space for socials.

With clarity and a reminder of everything that has created Brilliansea into being, we move onward.

LIFESTYLE | Winter 2020 Playlist

Winter is one of my favorite seasons to curate a playlist for.

It could be the way that snow lingers, leaving the world covered in something mystical and wonder like. It could be the way the wind bites at you as you leave the house and tries to lick your lips with frost. It could be that mix between romantic ambiance and barren land.

Winter 2020 Playlist

Stand Outs

Dreams | The Cranberries

This is a marker song for me. I remember it playing when I started finding new purpose through figure skating as a teenager. I remember skating in the early morning on empty ice and this song made it all feel possible. Now, this song seems to find it’s way back to me to remind me of those free-flying moments and remind me of that sense of hope and elation.

Always Good | The McClures

I fell into this song by accident recently and fell in love with it. I think we can all struggle with feeling at peace and at rest in what is going on in our lives. I find peace in believing and trusting in that which is bigger than me.

Miss You So Much | Miley Cyrus

Miley is brilliant. I don’t love everything she has done. I think some of it has been produced and created out of rebellion of her own self-hatred and that in and of itself creates some very worn and tired material. But this new side of her that is coming out (while she still remains her completely edgy self) is filled with brilliant musical choices.

SPOTLIGHT | Chelsea Rose

Chelsea Rose

Paramedic & Social Media Figure

Chelsea Rose can be found embracing all aspects of creativity and collaboration through her social media platforms ‘Rose on the Coast’, while also balancing her career as a paramedic and working towards finishing her business degree.

Chelsea is passionate about local and worldwide collaboration, cultivating her creativity with everything she touches and using her platforms for sharing her most honest and authentic self.

She also happens to bring a beautiful sense of celebration and fun into everything that she does and at the same time isn’t afraid to address more serious topics when the need arises.

She is Brilliant




LIFESTYLE | Winter 2020

Snow falling has a sound.

Have you heard it?

A soft little whisper that doesn’t have an end.

To hear snow, you have to remain still, quiet your breath and tune out the shifts in the air.

There it is.

Amidst the shifting and adjusting of all that is living, there is the soft whisper of snow covering and giving the world a soft lullaby to rest by.


This winter has many possible twists and turns and instead of wondering how it will all go down, I am starting to get still. To ground myself on the snow-laden earth and listen. Focusing on my heartbeat. Where does it quicken? How does it beat when I do this, or when I do that? Instead of rushing forward, I am listening and feeling. Letting the snow cover me and give me what I need for each bend in the road.

The snow covers those who are still and it is warm underneath it until the time comes for you to move.

And when the moves are clear to you, you will emerge from the snow with clarity and the snow will glisten like gold in the sun.

WORK | 2020 - A Year of Boldness

The days ticked by in December.

I still hadn’t identified my one word for 2020.

A year that looks and feels like something special. 100 years ago, women in North America and beyond were beginning to modernize and break out of the molds that had been set for them. It seems fitting that we are entering a new decade where #metoo, cultural sensitivity and gender parity are topics on the table. Ten years ago I graduated as an American Sign Language English Interpreter, got engaged to my now partner in crime and started my first career-focused job interpreting at a high school. I was attempting to fit the mold I believed was what I was made for. Part of it was learned, part of it was my own interpretation of what was expected of me, and part of it was fear of not having a place in this world. So I made it myself.

I didn’t ask permission then, and thankfully I don’t ask permission now.

It was seeing a simple posting from a professional entity on social media mid-December that moved me into 2020. A simple post about an opportunity. So I clicked. I clicked through many links and read through all the information and then it dawned on me.

This is my next BOLD right move.


bold | bəʊld | adjective (of a person, action, or idea) showing a willingness to take risks; confident and courageous

It’s wasn’t the certainty that I could get something that made me sense the rightness of it. It was the realization that I had come to a place, somehow in the past 365-day journey where I could click through all of these links and recognize that who I am matched what was being asked for. That I could step up, raise my hand and ask “How about me?” and do that with a nervous heartbeat, but one that was assured, confident and ready to step out and welcome the risks.

I am ready.

2019 was, in many respects, a difficult year. It was also a year of growth and seeing that growth made me realize that it is time to be making moves.

Not rushed and unsure moves.

Just simple, patient and the next bold right move.