READS | November 2022

The Land of Stories - The Enchantress Returns | Chris Colfer

Personally, as an adult, I enjoyed the first book the most, but I see how this series will have staying power for the age group it was made for and I am excited to see how my daughter reacts to this series when she’s old enough to read them.

Rules For A Knight - Ethan Hawke

Deep and heavy values and life morals packaged beautifully concise in a small and easy to carry novel. I will never let this book out of my sight. Being a sucker for allegories and anything remotely symbolic, Rules for a Knight gives tangible life insight under the guise of a character’s letter for his children. Highly recommend.

Searching for Sunday | Rachel Held Evens

Being raised in an Evangelical Mega Church I have struggled into my adult years to find a version of my faith that matched what my spirit knows to be true about my real living faith. I believe God is real. I believe God is both he / her. I believe Jesus died as a living sacrifice to break the turmoil of humanity… and I also believe we continue to make a mess of things. We, meaning the world and we, meaning the church. In this beautiful book Rachel gives us her struggle and her aches regarding the North American church culture and why it’s hard to grapple with the faith we know we have and the religious construct we were pushed into.
If I felt anything after reading this book, it was solidarity with another woman’s heart beating next to mine.

I hope she knew before she died that she was helping to heal a generation of women with her words.

Stop Walking on Eggshells | Paul T. Mason

A personal read to understand the breadth of humanity better. We would all be so much more tender, aware and capable of holding space and boundaries if we understood each other better.


The Handmaids Tale S05 - Because it continues to remind us why it’s important to put the needs and values of women in the centre.
The Mountain Between Us - an unexpected quietly powerful film on humanity in survival mode.
Inventing Anna - A fictional / partly almost all true series on Anna Delvey aka Anna Sorokin. A fascinating series on the personality of Anna, the reporter that wrote on her and the world that made Anna’s fraud possible.

Four books on a surface.  The Land of Stories - The Enchantress Returns by Chris Colfer, Rules for a Knight by Ethan Hawke, Searching for Sunday by Rachel Held Evens, Stop Walking on Eggshells by Paul T Mason
Creative Field Notes | X

Episode X - a study on the beauty and journey of imperfection.

Creative Field Notes is a series that studies the way creativity weaves itself throughout and communicates with all aspects of the natural rhythms of life.

MUSIC: Think of Me - Phantom of the Opera.

Sheet music played by Amy Grace was sight read and played for the first time in three years.

2022 | Autumn Favourite Things

Flat-lay of objects on a wooden table: A green box with the words in gold “Writers Tears”, black headphones, a small green book called Rules for a Knight by Ethan Hawke, An illustrations of a girl in a quilt holding her phone outside of herself in one hand. A white gourd. Part of a autumnal floral pattern on a pillow.

I am amazed that Autumn has came and progressed as fast as it has. Here are a few of my favourite autumnal things.

Writers Tears Whiskey | NSLC

I have grown to appreciate sips of Whiskey over the colder months & alongside new episodes of Outlander. It felt timely that I would come across this right after signing a contract I worked hard to get. A truly creamy experience. The box rests in my office bookshelf as a reminder of the work it takes to get where you need to go next.

Sennheiser HD 25 Headphones | Long & McQuade

As I am embracing my passions and work in audio documentary storytelling I figure the headphones good enough for BBC reporters are good enough for me. So far they have been comfortable, easy to use and allow me to hear what I am recording without being too bulky in the filed.

Rules for a Knight by Ethan Hawke | Gift from a Bestie

I am not sure how she knew this book was on my radar, but either way, I adore Ethan Hawke’s take on life and creativity. I found his work and life phlilosohys at just the right time and I am so moved by the projects he chooses. Rules for a Knight is a beautiful little collection of ways to go about life in the guise of a long ago Knight leaving notations for his children in case he passes before he can tell them.

Speak to Me! Beth Freeman Illustration Art | Beth Freeman

Beth illustrated this beautiful image for an article and audio piece I created for CBC & CBC Radio. During such a vulnerable time (year one of the pandemic) I found such peace and solace in Beths imagery. I am finally getting around to framing this gem.

Gourds | Local Purchases

Last year I bought a velvet pumpkin decor item from Winners and returned it after living with it for a week. I personally can’t get around buying decor items that come from nature naturally. Although being a seasonal purchase, these purchases remind me that I am supporting local farms who grow gourds and pumpkins for this very purpose. I love how nature creates the curls in the stems and the shapes of each one.

Autumnal Pillow cover | Chapters

This floral pillow covers are as floral as I get. (outside of real flowers)
I love the autumnal atmosphere of this print and I have been waiting for an autumn pillow cover for my set that I liked enough to purchase.

Creating Safe Space in Conversation

con·ver·sa·tion | ˌkänvərˈsāSHən |


a talk, especially an informal one, between two or more people, in which news and ideas are exchanged: she picked up the phone and held a conversation in French | [mass noun] : the two men were deep in conversation.

Conversation is happening all around and within us.

What does that look like?

The exchange of news and ideas?

Social Media has given us the licence to sound off. To believe we are carrying a conversation when in truth, it is a sounding board of one.

How often are we genuinely crafting our words to create a dialogue that moves past the 'me vs. you?'

5 Simple ways we can create a safe space in a conversation:

1. Drop and remove any name-calling from referencing a person or group of persons. e.g. clowns, idiots, etc.

When we rely on a caricature of an individual or group, we strip 'others' of their humanity and their identity as living and breathing individuals on this earth.

2. Know your values and realize that others' values will never perfectly align with yours.

When we truly honour our values, it's much easier to relax into the idea that someone else may be different. We stop being so concerned with the differences, become more content with our choices, and get curious about what makes others who they are.

3. Get curious.

When divisive statements/topics arise, realize there is often so much more than the statement beneath what is said. Upbringing, age, culture, personal experiences, and generational wounds are the backing of many of these strong stances.

4. Recognize you cannot change minds.

Instead of trying to convince someone of something, stand by your values and perspective while expressing yourself. Often it's our own calm and unwavering convictions that speak louder than any debate ever could.

5. Never tolerate bullying/racism /hate etc.

Safe space cannot exist within the atmosphere of bullying, racism etc. When this occurs, shut it down, don't negotiate or tolerate it.

I am reminded of Maya Angelou's statements when a racist comment was said in her house during a party she was hosting.

"I'm convinced that the negative has power. It lives. And if you allow it to perch in your house, in your mind, in your life, it can take you over. So when the rude or cruel thing is said—the lambasting, the gay bashing, the hate—I say, "Take it all out of my house!" Those negative words climb into the woodwork and into the furniture, and the next thing you know, they'll be on my skin."

You do the courageous thing, a small one, and you like yourself. And then you do another two, three, and you like yourself better. And before you know it, you are able to say, "Excuse me, not in my house, you don't. You don't paint my walls with poison and vulgarity. You will not do it in my house. Out. Is this your purse? Thank you. Bye."

- Maya Angelou

READS | October 2022

Maybe In Another Life | Taylor Jenkins Reid

I have a special place in my heart for any story/novel that shows or details more than one possible timeline based on a person’s choices. If we believe we missed out, we are discounting the life we are living, and to say that a choice we didn’t make would have been the wrong or better choice, is also saying we assume what things would have been. Taylor allows us, readers, to see two timelines and decide for ourselves if one is better than the other.

Echo in the Bone | Diana Gabaldon

I began reading this book slowly, only to turn a corner and rapidly finish it during the multiple evenings of no electricity post-hurricane here in Nova Scotia. This book picks up the pace late midpoint to drive you toward the eighth book in the series. Not much one can say about it without spoiling the whole series, but know that Diana continues to weave the stories of Jamie and Claire in the best of ways, fictionally and realistically.

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo | Taylor Jenkins Reid

I had this book on hold from the library for months. Having it finally arrive as a ‘rapid read’ meant I needed to push it to the top of my list. Taylor doesn’t disappoint. Through a fictional character such as Evelyn, she gives us a tale of a woman’s life who is not cut and dry. And isn’t that all of us? Minimizing someone’s life based on their accomplishments, their partners, or how they looked is to take away the bigger story. A story that is worth knowing.


The Handmaid’s Tale S05 - The saga continues. This a reminder that a mother will always have the most substantial reason to remain courageous and fight for her children.
Despicable Me! - Sharing this viewing with our daughter made me for a fun family film night. Steve Carell is a brilliant voice-over in this animated movie.
Inventing Anna - Anna Sorokin / Delvey filled the headlines during her trial. Although I didn’t pay much attention, this series shows what it means to be a performing artist and a person who buys into their own ‘facade.’

Ways to Live by Your Values

As children, we naturally live by our values.

We live emotionally open, follow our passions, explore new ideas, and ultimately seek connection with those we love and care for.
We don't fight or argue this with ourselves.
We simply do.

Why is this so hard to do as we grow up?

Our true sense of self and our true values become intertwined with expectations, societal norms, financial constraints and ultimately 'fears'.
Fear of not being taken seriously, fear of rejection, fear of missing out, fear of losing our value.

How much value can we genuinely hold if we are not living to the true values of our inner selves?

Begin broadly.

  1. What do you value in life as a whole?

  • Moving my body

  • Spending time with loved ones

  • Reading

  • Nature

  • Meaningful work

  • Eating well (both for health & enjoyment)

    2. Categorize into daily, monthly, and seasonal values.

How do these values show up in your routine? Do you value reading every day or on the weekends? Do you want to be in nature once a week or just once a month? Do you have hobbies as values that may fit best into autumn? (Puzzles, dance class, baking?)

3. Expand.

Fill out your days, weeks, and seasonal categories. It helps to put all the possible values down and edit after. Often, we don’t know what we value or have as an expectation/routine for ourselves until we fully meditate on and see it all in front of us.
Other values could be: keeping up on chores, storytime with the kids, date nights, and getting to work on time.

4. Reflect and Edit

As you live out your daily/weekly values, edit along the way. See what's working and what isn't. Often we expect too much from ourselves and must be humble enough to realize we have bogged ourselves down with too many expectations, either from others or ourselves. Be realistic. How much can you fit in a day? How much can you honour during a week or month? And for what you value, you may find that you can move that value from a daily routine to something less often or vice versa. Enjoy learning about yourself along the way.

Maybe there is something you thought you valued that you don't. Perhaps you find that what you value during some parts of the year, you don't value other times. Maybe your values change depending on where you live, your job, etc. Be at peace with course correcting and making adjustments.

5. Lean into your values.

If you change them quarterly or monthly, let yourself enjoy the values you create and meditate on them daily.

*Some practical applications:
I keep a list of my daily, weekly, and seasonal (currently, it's Autumn) values in my notes app. I use it as a guide as I move throughout the day, week and month. I put a star beside the ones I have honoured, reminding me of the ones I have ignored or am realizing may not fit during this season of my life.

Playlist | Autumn 2022

Another Autumn, another Spotify playlist to listen along to the falling leaves with.

I’ll Be There | Overcoats

How this song is delivered lyrically and musically reminds me of what 'solidarity’ truly means. We all need someone who will be this for us. We don’t need many, but those select few matters.

“The world wants to break your stride, but you are worth every star in the sky….”

Blessings Everywhere | Elevation Worship, Brandon Lake

In a time when this world is more divided, taking time during the autumn season to recognize the good, the blessings and all that is well is a refreshing and healing move. I find during autumn; I crave these reminders.

The Phantom of the Opera | Prague Cello Quartet

I have a secret and deep passion for the Cello. I began learning it years ago but had to return my rental for practical reasons. I am eagerly awaiting the window in life where I see a margin to jump on learning more Cello again. In truth, it is more me than the piano. The Phantom of the Opera is the first musical that I believe I was able to master on the piano with efficiency. Although rusty from being packed away, this specific rendition has inspired me to revisit the sheet music I had in storage.

2:20 - 2:40 gives me the shivers EVERY SINGLE DANG time.

Just Fine | Desiree Dawson

A calming reminder of something more profound. I love finding new voices that speak truth and beauty into the world.

Cheers | Shakey Graves

Another encouraging tune with those deep thoughts backing them.

READS | September 2022

Small Victories | Anne Lamott

Anne is a voice I return to when I need to be reminded of the wholeness of life. Life being raw, real and something beautiful and awful all mixed together. In this book she gives us a window into what it means to walk in the acts of Grace and find humor in our very human selves.

A Bright Ray of Darkness | Ethan Hawke

I deeply appreciate Ethan’s take on creativity and life. I do admit to wondering how much of this novel was written from his own personal experiences and what was fabrication. It felt like a hybrid memoir and novel. I haven’t done research on it either way, but I do believe that it might be more enjoyable if one didn’t know so much about his life. (I admit to deeply watching / listening to his interviews over the years, and thus may know too much.)

Taste - My Life Through Food | Stanley Tucci

Although I borrowed this book from the library, I made the last minute decision to purchase the audio book through apple to listen to. I deeply love Stanley Tucci’s acting and his foodie nature and realized hearing him read this book aloud would be a much more enjoyable way to ‘read’ it.

Straight On Till Morning | Liz Braswell

Another twisted adaption from Disney through Liz Braswell on the famous characters. This time Wendy and Hook take the stage. Using Wendy’s desire to explore Neverland, Peter Pans forgetful nature and Hooks alluring taste for adventure the way he see’s fit, we are given a fun upside down tale of these characters.
Read if you like twisted tales.


Mother! - I was completely confused and put off. Until the end when I looked up the allegory representation of the characters of this film and now I can’t stop thinking about it. A marker of a good work of art.
Stranger Things S04 - Because it’s the best season of all previous 3. Gives answers, makes one want to go back and watch it from the beginning again. Good vs. Evil in one of the most creative ways I have seen yet.
Pink Panther 1963 - Because the physical comedy is hilarious.
Pink Panther - A Shot in the Dark - Because Clouseau continues to make us laugh.

2022 | Dear Autumn,

Dear Autumn,

I’ve been anticipating you.

There was something in the air recently… I knew you would come. That brisk note in the breeze. The urgent tug at my hair last week. The whispering rain that hit the window pain late last night.

Your calling card leaves me with goosebumps on my flesh and a shiver of excitement down my spine. I turned to look, and there you were.

Did you expect me to be this ready for you?

If they had told me that I would get this weak for you years ago, I wouldn’t have believed them.

I didn’t understand then how much glory and beauty there is in shedding what isn’t serving you.

I thought the blooming, the growing, and the standing tall and proud made the soul beautiful.

And now I see…

that I need you.

I need to be reminded of everything that has been of use. It doesn’t just fall to the ground to die; it becomes the fertilizer, the nutrients, the saving grace.

dearest Autumn, 
I promise you

  • to write with raw honesty.

  • to dance like the wind.

  • to share through vulnerability.

  • to notice what leaves and what remains.

  • to pray for more grace and strength.

& if there is anything more for me to lose this season, I pray you will hold my hand as I go and show me the brilliance in the falling of the leaves.


2022 | Summer Capsule

Image description: Amy in a white tennis dress leaning on the floor in roller skates.

This summer, I focused on something I needed, something I wanted and a memory maker.

I have no regrets about these additions.

Black Weekday Shorts | RW & Co

These shorts are an essential addition to my late spring and summer wardrobe. One doesn’t always want to wear a skirt to meetings. They are airy, tie well and thus far show themselves to be very durable.

White Tennis Dress | RW & Co

I tried on many versions of tennis dresses and had given up hope finding them all very unflattering to my body type. The algorithms must have noticed my searching as this white dress appeared on my feed on sale, and I gave it one last shot. This dress is everything I had been looking for. Built-in shorts, form-fitting but not too tight, a pocket for keys or a phone…you name it.

Blue Hoodie | White Point Beach Resort

We spend our vacations at White Point Beach, and this hoodie is a warm and comforting reminder that our cozy coastal beach vacation memories will come around again next year. A well-made hoodie for all who know what an east coast wind is like.

READS | August 2022

A stack of three books on a wooden surface. A plant behind them. Over lay on the image ‘Reads August 2022 - byamygrace’.

Water for Elephants | Susan Gruen

Years ago, I saw the film adaption of this novel. Enough time passed, and I thought I would read the book and re-watch the film. Thus far, reading this novel proves Sara to be an author with an incredible talent for crafting the main character and giving you varying degrees of perspective and depth on him and the world around him. I have not yet re-watched the film, but I am delighted with the writing and how she paints the characters and the world they inhabit.

The School for Good and Evil | Soman Chainani

A magical tale woven for upper middle-grade readers of two girls, a tall tale and the truth revealed in fairytales. I love to find new twists on fairytales, good vs. evil and complicated friendships. The School for Good and Evil provides an entertaining read and dynamic read. Young Amy would have sped through this series.

My Darling Husband | Kimberly Belle

This read quickly became fast-paced suspense. I loved how Kimberly was able to give us present-day reflections through the eyes of a reporter/interviewee, along with brief descriptions of a past happening. Kimberly kept the pace high without compromising details, character development and atmosphere. She set the stage and let the drama run its course brilliantly.

Lucky | Marissa Stapley

Picked up for its Reese Witherspoon recommendation and was not disappointed. Read this over a weekend, and it was a treat. Marissa gave us a story about a woman on the run with a past. Fun, sassy, reflective and redemptive. All packed in under 250 pages. Quite the feat.


That Darn Cat - Summer nostalgia with a Haley Mills classic.
Gangster Squad - For the brilliant gangster storytelling. Loosely based on Mickey Cohen’s takedown.
Turning Red - Domee Shi brings everyone a true depiction of what it means to be a Canadian girl, especially those who are Asian.
The Shrink Next Door - Showing manipulation at its finest. Originally a podcast series.
Only Murders in the Building S02 - Steve Martin, Martin Short and Selna Gomez deliver another riveting and comedic mystery.
Physical S02 - Another great example of a woman working to make her way. No complaints about the 80’s hair and music.

Three books in a line. My Darling Husband, The School for Good and Evil, Water for Elephants.

Lucky by Marissa Stapley atop a glass coffee table. A mug of almost gone coffee sits beside it along with a plant.

How I am Working Right Now | Theme Weeks

IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A MacBook Pro laptop keyboard beside a white piece of paper with a pen on top and mug partially in view. On the piece of paper the word August is on the top. Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5 is written down the left hand side.

My work and the work of all creative entrepreneurs are mostly self-driven, which means we are the sole motor keeping the projects going.

What happens when you have outgrown the motor you have been using?

You start looking for a replacement.

Theme Weeks.

Sounds and looks simple, and it is.

Instead of packing my days with busy work that may get me to my next goal or accomplished task, I have begun practicing looking at the month ahead and giving each week a theme.

These themes often only consist of one to three words encapsulating an idea, project title, goal or medium (radio, film…etc.)

By attaching a theme to the week, I am telling myself exactly what that week is about.

Busy work and often distracting work like social media, emails, grants, pitches, etc., can distract oneself from the primary goal.

With this new way of looking at my work week, I can focus on the most important task I need to move forward in a broader sense.

For example:

August Week 1: “Radio Pitch.”

No one knows what that exactly means, but I do. I knew what I wanted to see happen, my goal, and the project, and it kept me on task until I had accomplished all I could get done related to the intent that week. (Once a draft/pitch is sent off, you are in the waiting game.)

This has brought a lot of clarity to my life.

It’s incredible how fast or slow a day can go when you dread the list staring back at you. After implementing this new way of doing things, I have time left for professional development, reading/watching, passion projects, or simply stopping the presses, lying on the floor and letting my cat and daughter crawl all over me. At the same time, I process my next right step.

I plan on continuing this method into Autumn, and I have a sneaky suspicion it is here to stay.

Until the next work productivity revelation,


2022 | Summer Favourite Things

These are a few of my favourite things…

Summer Candles | Okanagan Candle Co.

I sincerely enjoyed testing the seasons of candles from this Canadian company. From this collection ‘Dock’ and ‘Campfire’ are my favourite. For me, joy in seasonal decor is often found in the consumable products from nature, food and things we make to use during that time.

Out on the Wire | Jessica Abel

Spending the summer reading and listening to various insights and courses on audio storytelling. This book is one of those items that has surprised me. Written through the art form of comic strips, Jessica drives home the surprising but very real truth that audio storytelling is primarily and, firstly, a visual medium. Sounds conflicting? Pick up this book, and you’ll be amazed at how true it is.

Royal Conservatory Level 1 Books | Royal Conservatory

Recently I decided to go back to the basics of my piano theory and skills. I had a unique education in music, and although I had worked through levels of piano theory, I bounced around more than not, which irked my last piano teacher to no end. Getting these books for myself brings me a lot of joy, and although very basic in nature, I think we can all benefit from going back to the beginning of our skills and be reminded of where we started.

SPF Tinted Moisturizer | Origins

I have been using the same SPF moisturizer since 2015, so it was a shock to the routine when I was told they were discontinuing that specific one. I finally landed on this one, which I might love even more than my beloved ‘Neutrogena SPF daily moisturizer 45’. The tinted nature of this product creates a cleaner finish and still leaves room for a bit of touch-up under the eye. Simple and classic is how I like to do it over here.

Enchanted Garden Puzzle | Hobbry / Chapters

I love Hobbrys collab with Indigo, and it was a no-brainer when I saw this lush image released in their puzzle series. The simple pleasures of passing a table and putting a few pieces in before one goes about their day.
I do puzzles like I do my coffee. Slow and steady.

Previous Summer Favourite Things


Creative Field Notes | VII

Video of Amy & her seven-year-old daughter climbing the rocks at Peggys Cove, Nova Scotia.

Episode VII - A simple study on how becoming a mother alters a woman's life. Every decision, every movement is factoring in someone else.

Creative Field Notes is a series that studies the way creativity weaves itself throughout and communicates with all aspects of the natural rhythms of life.

READS | July 2022

Three books stacked on each other. Bottom - Top: Good Rich People, Cultish, The Marriage Game. A plant is partially seen beside the stack. Text overlay on image: Reads July 2022 byamygrace.

The Marriage Game | Sara Desai

A fun summer read about a young woman who finds herself back home renting and sharing retail space from her dad with another man. This story has loads of references to Indian culture and is written so well I can hear the various characters clearly as they' talk.' It's fun, light-hearted, with loads of snark towards society's lack of open-mindedness towards women.

Cultish | Amanda Montell

I've been enjoying Amandas' podcast "Sounds Like a Cult" with her friend Isa Medina and figured it was time to read Amanda's book, which came before the podcast. Cultish is much the same, but with a more in-depth look at Cult groups. Where 'Sounds Like a Cult' gives room for accidental similarities, Cultish clearly and pointedly calls out the traits we permit in society that are problematic.

Good Rich People | Eliza Jane Brazier

A chilling tale of a wealthy matriarch, her son and his wife who live in a villa of sorts and rent out the apartment beneath them. Without giving too much, these characters play the game of manipulation, observation and quite literally, decimation.

You really wouldn't want to rent from these people, no matter what part of town they live in.

TV/Films of Note
Fantastic Mr. Fox - It’s brilliant artistry, wit and voice talent pull this narrative together in one fantastic film.
Inside Out - A fond rewatch. This film brings an awareness of how much our minds, body and souls are connected.

2022 | What Holding & Honouring Space is Teaching Me

I started 2022 out with the word Space as my One word. I have been carrying with me these words to go along with them:

How am I expanding into S P A C E today?

Expand into

Fill Up





I started the year feeling more empowered to make daring moves. To claim the space, I was seeing before me. It wasn't easy, it was scary, and I continued applying, pitching and finding little wins along the way.

Then I was hit.


You see,

Despite a deep belief in a calling that calls me to hold space for others, ask them deep and inspiring questions, capture them and find a way to showcase what I see about the world around me, I also recognize I came into all of this unconventionally.

It wasn't until I made my most daring and scary move thus far in my creative / documentary career yet at the end of May that I realized I was putting myself out there in a way that scared me.

And then S P A C E, meant a totally different thing.

Space became a challenge to remember how to hold space for me when no one else is around to hold me.

When the quiet rages, the lack of response, recognition, and relational interactions persist.

What does it look like to hold space for me?

It has led me back to me.

We believe that we hustle to success.

That we become millionaires from building something from the ground up and never stopping.

We believe that we are the makers of our own designs.

We forget that we are the souls that need our whole selves, not just portions we leave on the shelf because they are too weighty to carry.

I continue to strive to fill up, hold, make and create space that honours myself and those around me, and that may mean that I won't see the bigger picture until much later, but I will not become less of myself in the process. I will not shelf my healing until later, and I will not lose relationships that matter along the way.

I will honour the whole process, not just the portions that look like success. I will also honour the quiet and most mundane and lonely moments.

They all



PLAYLIST | Summer 2022

Carefully curating music to carry with me throughout a season is a way I connect with my goals, intentions and overall mindset.

Here is a sampling of the songs that stick out to me the most in this Summer collection I have made:

For the full playlist:
check it out on Spotify

Elastic Heart | Sia

Something about Sia’s raw voice, lyrics and how she puts together her music videos to represent her songs get me every time. She is a prolific artist.

Electric Love | Borns

Something about this song brings me back to electric pop in a nostalgic yet modern way. I love this song playing as I practice rollerskating.

Now I’m In It | HAIM

I have loved HAIM for many years, and this song reminds me of that young 20-something in me, with wide open summers, car windows down, wind in my hair and my best friend in the passenger seat.

august | Taylor Swift

august is one of those tracks that will keep coming back with each generation. T-Swift really gave the world a beautiful nostalgic piece to capture something so many of us understand.

”slipped away into a moment in time.”

I Think We’re Alone Now | Tiffany

I’ve been saying it before the cool kids realized. 80’s music is one of the best eras for music. Lyrics, musicality, beats, rhythms, energy, heart, soul…you name it. Tiffany’s “I Think We’re Alone Now” captures a summer date night feeling that I love to be reminded of. Heat making the air thick, sun setting, waves crashing against the shore, bare legs skipping along… chasing each other down the beach.